Monday, April 13, 2015

Waiting for dinner to cook.

And Niece is singing away in her room. MOTH comments that he can't see how the neighbours on her side of the house could think she has a lovely voice. But then, it does have to go through a window, across the grass strip, through the wooden fence, and through their window so they get a lot of filtering. Sometimes I wish we did!

It's been a busy week for her. her new AQ companion, Mon, is turning out very well. She's checked about the hours owed to us and has been working to use them up. She has taken Niece out to Mount Tambourine for the day. It was to be a walking tour but the track was closed so they did Gallery Walk instead. Niece loved this. We invited one of Niece's friends and they went bowling, then to the movies. They saw the latest Sponge Bob movie. When they got home, the friend didn't want to leave so her mother took them both out for another hour. At dropping them off as she reversed down the drive, she hit the lamp post. Oops!

Well, the post is in a stupid place. Right at the end of the drive which curves a little to the left.

I hope she didn't too too much damage to the car!

Niece will be busy again this week. Tomorrow is a trip to the city and the museum. She hasn't been there for several years. And then Wednesday is a ceramics class with Bestie and her kids. I'm looking forward to that. I'm not working but Niece will have a piece to work on. Thursday she is out again with Mon, and Elder arrives that afternoon. And we shall be having lots of fun.

Niece will be in respite for the weekend, and I'm hoping that MOTH remembers to pick her up on Sunday!


Chris H said...

So lots going on for your niece then. I'm probably glad I'm not your neighbour though! Kids singing ... lol!

Colleen Barnett said...

Sounds like a fun holiday for Niece. Don't know why I didn't see this post till now - I checked last week but it only showed me your previous one! Sorry!

Hope Niece enjoyed all of the stuffs she had organised :)