Thursday, October 08, 2015


Another Thursday night that started out fine but I've just had a call from Niece's support worker. She's bringing her home because Niece ditched her again. I really don't know what to do with the girl. I really don't.

When I first moved into the suburb I could hear a particular bird call. A very distinctive one. I dismissed it because it was so out of place in a suburb. And I thought I've heard it several times since. I mentioned it to Ma just recently and she recalled that I had mentioned it when we first moved here.

But now I've found out that I was right after all!

I've heard them plenty of times since but not seen them. The neighbours on the upper side tell us they've been seen plenty of times. They were on our roof too that day, as well as theirs.

I've now managed to meet some of the neighbours too. A couple living further up the street are heading over to New Zealand so an afternoon tea was held to say farewell. Alas, that day it chose to rain. MOTH managed a few minutes before he had to be away to collect Niece from respite. They got back, sat down, and it started to rain.

I still don't have an event to organise for my study. I might have something in the pipeline but I don't know when I'll hear back. Hopefully I'll be able to work on that. If not, I might try for a neighbourhood afternoon tea/evening bbq. In December. But instead of Christmas I might factor in a Wiccan festival, Litha, the celebration of the Summer Solstice. Who knows. It's all still very much up in the air. A bit like the peahens really...


Colleen Barnett said...

Peahens! Aren't they awesome! I didn't think we had them in the wild here in Australia so maybe it's a pet that got out?

Chris H said...

It looks like a peacock to me...a girl one. Either way, big bird!