Don't you hate when you are more or less last in line to get on the bus and everyone in front of you dawdles up the aisle? I've GOT A LOW CENTRE OF GRAVITY, but even that doesn't help. *ha! remembered!* I can't sit down the front - on the new buses I seem to get travel sick - so I head for the back. And I don't like to be standing when the bus begins to move. So look out older bloke who has no business taking that long to get up toward the back of the bus and choose a seat, I'm comin' through!
Last week I missed an opportunity to wax lyrical about something not really spectacular that happened during the week. It wasn't till I was going through my phone photos that I remembered it. They've been working on the facade of the building opposite, and I looked out the window. Nothing. I looked again. Wha?
And when I looked again about half hour later, nothing. Talk about ghosts in the machinery! I never heard a sound.
As you know, I spend a lot of time on buses. Not much to do on buses. So I invent things. Check out the scenery. Make up stories. Wednesday, with not much to do, I was staring out the window and noticed it was rather breezy! Especially on the bridge. And there was a random ball of dust, blowing around like a tumbleweed in the silence following a bad joke. It dodged people's feet, ducking about on the whims of the breeze. The end result made it look quite sentient. If I was in any way imaginative, it could have given me nightmares about what may be growing underneath my bed, waiting to take over the world.
And all that.
I couldn't wait for Friday to dawn; a big day socially! For once. One of the GTs has moved on to greener pastures and we were having a lunch to celebrate. Not that he was moving on, but to get together and give him his gift. We had thai at one of the restaurants within walking distance to work. The buffet is usually pretty good for $15. A couple of curries, rice, a noodle dish, spring rolls, prawn chips, bbq chicken. Usually they have dessert. It's one of my favourite parts. Black sticky rice. Guess what we had to ask them for? Yep *nods* to bring out the dessert buffet. And what did they bring out? Lychees! U.G.H. !! *for emphasis* I can't stand those things. So bummed. I missed out on dessert.
Friday night we were to head out for a 21st party. It was to start at 6.30pm, but we couldn't really leave home before then. I don't get home from work till nearly 6.00pm. And we were giving Sunny a lift.
The event was at the Gap Tavern. We knew where that was! Been there before, we're sure of it. So we tootled off. Got there, turned down the street where we thought it was and .... nothing. It wasn't there. No one had checked the map, and no one had thought to plug in Karen *the GPS* Clever lot, aren't we. After a couple of snarky comments, we plugged it in and crossed the fingers. Because none of us knew the street name either. *shakes head* Thank heavens for mobile phones with internet and stuff. Sunny found out the name of the street, we keyed it in and off we went.
Found the street. Saw lights, but couldn't find a driveway. Dammit! We went up the road, threw a U turn and came back down again. How about this one? Turned in and there is the sign, unlit and hiding among the trees. D'oh!
I conned MOTH into getting dessert for me. The chap sitting next to him had ordered BBQ ribs in the kilo size. He couldn't finish, so offered to share the rest with MOTH. Who quickly obliged. *he pronounced them very good afterward* I tried a beer I've never had before - beez neez. It's pale and doesn't have that strong taste that most of them do. I liked it.
We had a great time, and everyone packed up around 10.30 or so. On the way home, I gained my own personal bagman. Evidence provided once we got home....
Saturday I didn't do much. I know I had plans but it didn't seem to work out. I got to fertilise a small portion of the lawn; did some washing. Not a lot else. The Teen was heading out to a costume party and was going as Pikachu. A pokemon monster for those not in the know. I realised after she left that I didn't get a picture! She looked GREAT! Wish I had. We dropped her off up the road at the party so she didn't have to walk the streets dressed as Pikachu and settled home for a quiet night.
Around 1am, my mobile went off. Mum! I'm at Sunny's place! Can you come pick me up? *how do i sense that the phone is going to ring, or is that what wakes me up? i always feel like it doesn't ring long before i hear it...* I sent MOTH. I'm clever like that...
Sunday morning when I got up, MOTH informed me that she hadn't been to bed at 6.00am when he got up. Whew. She came by and announced rather loudly My body's buzzin but my brain is sooooo tired!
Ah, funny child....
Sunday was quiet, overcast, rainy. Bathurst was on and I did my best to avoid most of it.
This morning dawned grey and overcast as well. Then I looked properly. It was fog! And at 6.50am while I was on the bus *i SAID i spend a lot of time on buses* I tried to take a photo:
Ah, a world muffled in grey wool like the homeless lady I see in the mall sometimes...
you gotta watch that ghost machinery. it will always sneak up when you are not looking.
nice improvement with the maccas bag too!
*cingangl*... nope, got nuttin for that one!
How do you know it's NOT under your bed with the other dust bunnies planning on taking over the world?
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