I think I am going to have to go back to taking notes to remember what exciting things I did during the week. Because every time I sit in front of this monitor, my brain power is sucked away and I can't remember a darned thing.
Things have still been dry after the dust storm. I can still feel dust on things and smell it in the air. Indoors and out. We still have the water restrictions but I'm into ignoring those at the moment. I am trying to encourage my tiny herb patch to continue to grow and keep some of the dust from the ex-lawn at bay, so I water for about 5 to 10 minutes in total every day. We are only allowed half hour hose time a couple days a week.
Thursday I arrived home from work to be told that the Teen would be out of the house until Sunday. And that was the day THE BILL arrived. A phone bill. It is HUGE! I really don't know how I'm going to pay that one off, but we shall have to see. My phone carrier is 'understanding' but only to a point. I don't know what I can afford to pay each pay period, but when you 'negotiate' with them, you MUST provide a figure you will pay each week/fortnight. Yoiks. It doesn't help that this pay period has another big bill, a lot of prom stuff and two social events that have turned up on the same day. I NEVER get social events, let alone two on the same day! Well, alright. Maybe not never, but it's usually a very long time between drinks.
*wha? just been eating a nut bar and decided to floss. how does dental tape get TOO WIDE for the gaps between my teeth? ok, they're close together but this is ridiculous!*
By the end of the week, I couldn't stand it any longer. I planned to actually do what I have been planning for the last couple of weeks. *don't rush me* I was going to continue from that room I finished, washing walls, vacuuming and mopping. Just to clear the dust. And on Saturday, my headache was back with a vengence. Any idea of washing walls and bending over the cleaner went right out the window! I didn't move much that day.
Saturday night or maybe Sunday morning - it was 3am afterall - the phone rang. *lies in bed till MOTH gets up* The Teen wasn't feeling well and would be coming home. Now. Oh. Okay... As soon as she got in, she asked MOTH to take her blood pressure. Pressure was fine but pulse rate was up. She and Wogboy went off to bed. MOTH returned and said Well, she's not dead. *smiles*
Sunday morning I did some dusting. I could see where something had been shifted on MOTH's reception desk and thought it was about time. I grabbed the duster that all others claim to be unable to locate, and got to it. Even MOTH got a dusting. He sat still too long.
The Fairy Wrens were playing outside the laundry door. I stopped to watch - I love those things. I tried to get a photo or a video, but they are just too small and too fast. They have a beautiful song and the males are so vibrant! There is one little man and his two ladies turn up around the same time every day MOTH tells me.
Here's an example; I've pilfered the photo from birdphotos.com.au...

Last night I had to do a run out to Wogboy's place to pick up the Teen's gear that was left behind. First drive out there by myself for a very long time. Just before we left home, the Teen seemed to be in a very bad mood. She even snapped very badly at Wogboy while on the phone. *sighs*
Eventually I got out of her that someone suggested she was probably sick all the time because she takes too much medication. So she cut back. Yes *nods* she dropped the antidepressants. Ouch! I can tell the difference in her behaviour after ONE DAY of missed meds.
Gods help me for the long term....
Lol I love reading about your week! Like you I hit a blank when trying to write a weekly blog...I think "man this week was boring" then after I have signed off I think of all the stuff I could have said and all the stuff I did do lol...a pox on the dust too...like you my ex-lawn is just a barren waste land now...I sop badly want some rain!!!
*ovedly* I'm not too ovedly excited about being at work today!!!
wow, my lawn is so overgrown we lost sight of the giraffe! time for sun now...
what is it with people who think they are qualified to know when it's time to go off anti-depressants? shouldn't it be up to a household vote or something? what makes them think they have the right to inflict their unmedicated selves on us poor long suffering members of the family? just bloody selfish if you ask me!
*end rant!* lol!
**firincou**... um sounds like something that grows between ones' toes...
I hope someone will be held responsible for the phone bill (wasn't you, was it?)
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