Monday, February 03, 2014

Iron. Ferrous Fumarate. There's a mouthful. Or not.

A slow week again. Or maybe it's not. The thing I missed most about driving to work was ... no crazy bus stunts. I think I still miss that.

It's some ungodly hour and I can't sleep. I can hear something in the trees. I peek out and I can see shapes of bush rats chasing each other through the trees. And on to the roof. Great. Will have to trim those trees. I doze off, and later I am up to feed Jerome. The rats are still playing but this time it's daylight and I can see them better. Oh. Not rats at all. But some type of possum I've only seen in our suburb deceased at the side of the road. They put themselves to bed, one shimmying up a nearby gum tree, the other travels along the fence top and out of sight. These are smaller that the brush tailed I've seen and a different colour. Maybe they are even small enough to have lived in the walls? Hmmmm.

MOTH drags me off to Bunnings hardware. To buy some stuff or another. And while my skin is drying and cracking *i'm allergic to hardware stores don't you know* I notice some Clever Cube furniture. Which might make a good addition to the spare room where Niece will be sleeping. Hmmm. The price is a little expensive. Well, compared to the Kmart items of a similar nature which adorn the wall in the kitchen. Maybe I can get them.

I've been web surfing looking for bed specials. Snooze seems to have mattresses on special. Worth a look. We find the nearest store and wander in. They have a king single at a reduced price. And it seems we get an extra discount for being RACQ members. We have been for years but it's the first time we've ever used the membership for discount. MOTH is happy with this. We walk out of there having purchased the bed, sheets, a pillow, and a doona. They did very well by us!

MOTH drags me off to Bunnings. Again. And this time I buy the furniture. I am looking forward to adding the finishing touches and setting it all up properly. I hope she likes it!

We unpack the box for the bedside and begin to assemble. We've done a few 'some assembly required' items before but this takes the cake for simplicity. I think we've assembled it in about ten minutes. So easy! The larger cupboard takes a little longer but once we get started it also is a breeze to put together.

Disposing of the rubbish and I hear MOTH call. Hon! Can you please switch the light on? I think I see a possum? I comply and yes, there it is. In the garden. It walks up to MOTH as bold as brass and sits at his feet for a second. I pass him some of the cat kibble and he sits on a chair. The possum has fled to the shadows and sit there, watching. Eventually MOTH puts it in the bird feeder and the possum climbs and begins its feast. It might be a ringtail. But definitely one of the more common type and not the ones I had seen that early morning.

I've had the dvd sitting here for a while. Maybe I should watch it. The Conjouring. I've been told it's spooky. And the rumpus room lights are out. But I'm also playing Black Flag so I should be alright. And I am. Until out of nowhere this high pitched child's voice calls. BOO MUMMY! I almost jump off my chair. And then I realise it's just the movie and the rear speaker. Bloody heck. But that was the only start I had during that screening. So there you go. Want to cut down on the spook impact? Do something else while you're watching.

Off to the doctor today to check the results of my blood work. It seems I am low in iron. Again. I have to do the injection cycle. Again. I'm sure they didn't cost that much last time. But it means that I can't get the finishing touches for the bedroom just yet. Ah well. So here I am, feeling that pincushion thing again... Hopefully the dye doesn't tattoo me this round. It didn't last time so it shouldn't this time, right??


Colleen Barnett said...

Room looks lovely. Can I come instead??

Take a couple slices of fruit outside and sit quietly just on dark. Possum will come up and take it from the ground in front of you. Eventually you'll be able to hand feed it. Lucky devils!

Chris H said...

Your spare bedroom looks really lovely. I love all the colour. Possums are pests here!