Hopefully y'all enjoyed the Jerome videos. He's quite camera shy and it takes quite a bit of stalking to get anything that's worthwhile.
He's been sick again since I last wrote. I think. I had been trying the pumpkin cure as found while researching on the internet. Yes, I know, not necessarily a good thing. But this tummy trouble is beginning to become chronic in that it happens often. I can't quite tell if it worked or not as I didn't make him starve. Well, okay, maybe I did. If not having as much food as usual is starving him. At least though he was eating the pumpkin. It didn't seem to cut down a lot on the symptoms or lessen the length. But as I mentioned, he wasn't cut to almost nothing either which is how I would normally treat it. The interwebs also suggested that cutting his food out entirely wouldn't necessarily be a good thing either. But I was serving him pumpkin instead of wet food, and mixing it with whatever dry food he was getting. These days, I mix a bit of the pumpkin with the wet food at night. Only about 1/4 teaspoon but that might not be enough. Who knows.
I can't decide if I'm elated or deflated. Or just glad it's over. I finally reached resolution with the bank. The Ombudsman forwarded me a response from the bank. I emailed the Ombudsman with some questions I was going to ask the bank, then emailed the questions to the bank. Suddenly, BOOM! A proposal. They resubmitted their original offer, the one they recanted. Since I said yes the first time, I said yes again, and the dispute case is now closed. I'm happy that it's over, but the repayment amount may kill me. Then again, they've also agreed to freeze fees for the duration so that is something!
And that's my week virtually. Niece's teacher wants to meet with me after their camp in March to discuss some options. She doesn't think Niece will be offered a job. Which is a blow because now we have to decide what will happen when she finishes school. I certainly don't want to return her north as this is certainly not the best environment for her. And she cannot stay here forever. MOTH is eager to get back to empty nesting. I will need to get full time work before she is moved anywhere though.
One simply cannot survive on Newstart (Unemployment) Allowance. Did you know that it's less than $250 a week? How the hell does one pay rent, food, and utilities with that? Then again, I don't know how the low income earners manage to fund cigarettes and alcohol with it on a regular basis. I have a suspicion they don't eat properly and pool their resources. And beg. A lot of them beg.
Cyclone Marcia crossed the coast further north. We had very little wind or rain from that. I'm glad I wasn't in that region. Elder hasn't updated much but I gather she came through just fine. Teen was in a town that copped a fair bit of the destructive force however she and her housemates came through with very little damage. Except they lost power. And as of today it's still not connected. Poor things. All that subsequent heat and no power to drive fans, get a cool drink, or even cook dinner for that matter. They aren't expecting power back on in their area until tomorrow or Thursday. Teen did send me a video of the wind and rain during the worst of it. Through snapchat. So I couldn't save it to post here. I've only just realised how to save a photo in that app but no clue yet about video. Snapchat lets you view it for about 10 seconds and then it disappears. There's no history to go back through.
But I'm glad that everyone I know seems to have come through fine with only loss of power. It had the potential to be much worse.