Oh yes... recapping the conference.
Tuesday the Teen arrived. I had organised for her to be collected from the station. We had talked about how she would get to the venue. A taxi was out. I'm not going in a taxi! Especially if the driver is foreign! Sorry foreigners. Nothing personal. It's just daunting when you're a Teen with all those dreadful girlie habits and you don't like to do things by yourself.
So I organised a transfer company for pickup. And when the time came, there was a call. They aren't here! I don't know where to look for them. I told her to look in both carparks, and I got a call back ... nope, not here. So, where were they? Someone called them for me. And we arranged for someone to pick her up pronto.
She called from the lobby. I'm here, and when I went up the van and driver from the transport company were waiting for me. And it looked like someone had arrived in a stretch limo at the same time.
Turns out the driver who had the job of picking her up had been delayed due to an accident on the motorway. *hmmm nice to be told that they would be delayed*
And the Teen whispered to me See that there? *points to stretch* If they had been on time, THAT'S what I was supposed to have been arriving in!
She recovered from her disappointment fairly quickly when she discovered the robes and slippers in the bathroom.....
Tuesday is gala dinner night. This year it was held at Movieworld and celebrated with IT industry awards. I was in two minds as to whether I would go. The meal was alternate drop, there would be speeches and awards. BORING!! *alternate drop is two menu selections and the waiters go round the table alternating the dishes. up to you to swap with someone else on the table if you don't want the meal you have been given. the organisers always pick lamb or salmon. WHY do they do that???*
But I managed to wrangle a free ticket for the Teen and thought, oh, why the heck not. I'm glad I did. It was a very excellent night. There were no rides, but the MC was Corinne Grant *glasshouse, rove* and the main entertainment of the night was Umbillical Bros. And the meal was good. The Teen was happy with the salmon.
The company at the table was enjoyable; everyone seemed to get along well and converstation flowed. The Teen and I decided we would take the first bus out and snuggle up in the room. First bus headed out at 10.30pm. And imagine our surprise when we arrived back at the hotel and everyone who was still there when we left had made it back to the hotel before us. Apparently their buses went to the conference venue first, ours went everywhere else first.
And then on Wednesday, I found out that Corinne and the Umbillical Bros were staying at the same hotel and spent the evening in the bar.....
The weather the last two days has been shocking. Gale force winds and heavy rain. We are on the 20th floor; all the rooms are on the outside of the building. The rain lashes the windows and the wind howls around the corners. I heard that one of the pool areas lashed itself into a whirlpool that at one point, spun itself into a vortex and lifted toward the sky. I've not seen the photos, but apparently they exist....
Today dawns still. No wind. Not a tree moving. But that was early. It's now 7:52am and as I wait for the Teen to awake, the rain lashes and the wind howls....