So I think I've mentioned that the Teen has been away for a couple of weeks. Well, yesterday the quiet came to an end. Her holiday didn't seem to be working out quite the way she planned so I arranged for her to return early.
It seems the last four hours of the train trip were uneventful; the first couple however were fun filled extravaganzas of cousinly delight.
The last week has been pretty uneventful. The never ending cycle of working. And watching telly. Not that there has been much on mind, but I'm getting so bored I'm even watching the news bulletins on all the channels. Well, most of them. Haven't quite gotten to watching World News Australia on SBS yet. But that's coming, I'm sure. I watch one of the commercial stations. Or at least, it's on in the background. Then there isn't much till 8.30 so to fill up the time, I switch to different news bulletins across all the stations. Heck, you'd think with all those HD channels, there would be SOMETHING I'd like. *dangit think i missed dr who*
Oh wait, there was something I wanted to watch one night. On Thursday, while unpacking the groceries, I had a faint stirring in the background of my teeny tiny mind that there was something I wanted to do. I brushed it off and continued with my boring life.
Turned out it was Glee. I wanted to watch that.... Obviously important!
Wednesday midmorning brought with it the dust. A dust storm blew in; nothing like Sydney's though. It was thick enough to reduce visibility and drive asthma suffers indoors. I had ventured out in it to run an errand. It wasn't too bad when I started, but worsened a little by the time I finished my errand. I had planned to attend a thai chi session during lunch, but wasn't keen to go out again.

I took the photo above from the bridge. The camera has an auto adjust so it was actually thicker than it appears here.

This one adjusted the light settings to darken the foreground as I pointed it directly at the sun. Just to give a little idea of the fact that the sun was a hazy disk through all the dust.
MOTH had closed up the house so it wasn't too bad but you could still feel it on the tiles.
The weather report brought news of another impending dusty day though not as severe as Wednesday. We didn't bother to clean up much.
Saturday morning, I convinced MOTH it was now or never. Time to use the magnum Gold Class upgrades. I had a small boost in my pay this week, so thought Yes! This will cover that nicely. We checked the screenings. Bugger, District 9 wasn't showing gold class. Well, that just left .... The Surrogates. But the shorts for that looked interesting anyway. So we caught the 10am screening of the Surrogates. It wasn't a bad movie. I think there may even have been a wee social message in the film as well. But that kind of thing is totally lost on me....
Saturday afternoon brought the rest of the dust. A lot still hadn't settled from Wednesday, and still it goes on. I am so tired of smelling dust!
Sunday before I went to meet the Teen at the station, I finally finished the room. The remaining wall was scrubbed. The remaining boxes of Elder junk were sealed and transferred out to the garage. The carpet was vacuumed. And one small part of the hallway had a wall washed, the tiles vacuumed and mopped. Of course, I'm still to finish that part of the hall. MOTH had been doing some patching on the walls so I will be needing to clean them before he paints, won't I?
The Teen greeted me with various bits of news; among them the fact that Elder would like to receive, via the post, a pair of sandshoes she left behind. Oh. Oh dear. Well good luck with that one. All boxes and stuff that Elder left on floors have been sealed and moved out to the garage. Actually, moved to the topmost shelf in the garage. I showed the Teen where they all were now. Oh. Well, she said, She ain't gettin those sandshoes...
*goes back to singing in Braithwaite voice* one sprummer .... nah don't think it will work....
so what happened on the first half of the return trip? did she meet the hervey bay mob?
our place is covered in dust from the windy weather last week. but that's a job for another time. maybe...
*mings*... hmmm, mings a bell, doesn't it?
HAHA! this one's better!
*flumph*! Haha! Sounds like something teens do on a regular basis - flumph off to their rooms! Cack. ah, made my day.
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