It tried again. And lo! Success. How cute! the voice behind me comments as she walks past. I could take a lesson from this about perseverance, or possibly being cute, but hey it's Monday and I don't like Mondays. They really were cute though.
I see a girl get on the bus the same time I do. She chooses the seat in front of me. The fringe of her dark hair is pulled back. She pulls the rest back into a high ponytail. Then she combs the tail. She pulls it out and puts it up again. She pulls it all out, combs it and puts it up again. She grubs around in her bag. A compact is found and she checks her face and repairs her makeup. She pulls her hair out and puts it up again. She pushes the contents of her bag again and this time lathers lotion on her arms and hands. For heaven's sake girlie, this is NOT your bathroom! Get yourself organised BEFORE you go out in public. Most of us don't like to watch you toilet yourself. Sheesh! She redoes her hair. Just before she gets off at her stop, she pulls it all out again.
It's only been a 10 minute bus ride....
Sometime during the week I get a call from the Elder. She and Subs are no longer together and she wants to come home. Things haven't been the best between them for some time and we've been gently hinting to her that a separation might be the best thing for her and she should come home. The black dog follows this one, and we hope that by moving home we might be able to help her start to keep the dog at bay. She's busy beginning to make arrangements.
A storm came through late afternoon on Thursday. I had to make a quick trip to the bathroom down the hall. What? The rain is splashing through the louvres. I get wet.
Saturday morning I realise that we've not got anything for any treat seeking missiles this weekend. We don't always get them but you can guarantee that if we don't, they'll arrive in droves. The budget is very small and when I get to the supermarket, most of the cheap stuff is gone. There are actually empty spaces on the shelves. Still plenty of the expensive stuff left! *read multipacks of freddos, milky bars etc*
None turned up Saturday night - I would have thought they would be out then being school following Sunday and all.
Just before bed I get a text from the Teen. Skywalker has accidentally knocked her iPhone out of her hand and the screen has 'shattered'. She doesn't know what to do. Frankly, neither do I but since she can still use it we'll look at it on Monday. How she asks? MOTH will look at it when he goes up to help the Elder.
It's been determined that MOTH will help with a hired ute. I'll be 'baching' for a couple of days. Haven't slept by myself or come home to an empty house for what feels like a couple of years. Shall be interesting. I'm thinking I'll be so bored I'll be scrubbing walls. If not climbing them.
Sunday lunch we popped out to Bestie's house. Things were a little tense for a bit as her disposal unit had kicked the bucket and hubby was out looking for spare parts. He tried to fix it when he got back but with little success I think. He left it be and things relaxed. The lunch was basic yet lovely. Marinated chicken, salad, steak and boston baked beans. Delicious. wound up when she left to take the little takkers out trick or treating before it got dark.

Did you bring any leftover into work to snack on today? We had a quiet evening, wouldn't have even known it was Halloween. Thankfully. Cause I don't believe in it myself.
Aww, love the ducks!
We do chocolates at our place, and hope no one shows up.
ahh - that girl on the bus sounds like one of my sisters! It's probably a good thing elder is coming home, you are right about the black dog, you can probably keep a close eye and see how she is coping.
The girl on the bus must catch my train too! There's a young girl who does the exact same thing...puts hair up, takes it out...this happens several times. Then out comes all the makeup and the little mirror and for the next 10 minutes or so she will do her face. One time she sprayed herself with cologne then copped a mouthful from another passenger who was asthmatic and told her that the "nasty" stuff she was spraying around was not helping with her breathing.
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