Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Monday. Can't trust that day

Although today IS actually Tuesday. See, told you it couldn't be trusted...

It was a hectic week. Apparently! I'm glad I've got my notes or I wouldn't have remembered much of the exciting stuff that happened to me.

It's Monday and Zman is off to a late start. MOTH gets impatient and decides to head for the rendezvous point regardless. Eventually I get the text to say the lift is on his way and he has just slept in, not forgotten me at all.

Dad arrives today for his appointment and I'm looking forward to catching up with him.

I have to catch a bus on Tuesday. An older lady is getting on the bus but she takes a nasty slip. I hope she's alright! She picks herself up and totters to a seat. She seems to be alright. Or just extremely embarrassed and tomorrow she'll be sporting the bruises.

I spot a lass some seats in front of me. Her hair decoration has me intrigued. I can't quite determine what it is. It's rectangular in shape and seems to have some narrow stripe pattern.

I keep looking. Well! I've come to the conclusion that she is wearing a rectangle of velcro in her hair. The more I look, the more certain I become that I can even see the tiny hooks....

On the trip home at the end of the day, I'm daydreaming out the window and I spot what could be a tourist standing near the bus stops. She appears to be of Asian extraction. She catches my eye as she is wearing a white t-shirt with a slogan that asks, Do You Speak English. It's written in French.

I'm making notes in the iPad after dinner. Dad looks over my shoulder and I show him a little bit of some of the applications. He discovers Google Earth. Two hours later he decides to put it aside and go to bed. It's half ten, way past his bedtime.

On Wednesday it starts raining. I'm hoping that it doesn't rain too much and cause MOTH's surgery to be delayed again. Dad also goes home today. It's been great catching up with him, chatting about family.

My supervisor pops by my desk and tells me that she has been talking to her partner. He works in surgery at the hospital where MOTH is scheduled. She had discussed MOTH's surgery and my concerns. Apparently he has checked the list, MOTH is still there and is now marked as a preferential patient. Please do not cancel surgery unless absolutely necessary. This is wonderful and puts my mind a little at ease.

It's still raining though.

Thursday it's still raining a little but we are up at the hospital early. You need to arrive before 06.45. We arrive around 6am. Fill out the same paperwork we did last time and off to the peri-op area. We wait for a couple of hours before MOTH is called. He's gowned and popped on a gurney. We chat for a couple of minutes, the Assistant Anaesthetist asks some questions then he's wheeled through the doors and out of sight. Good luck!

I wander down to the Recovery waiting area and settle in for the long haul.

My supervisors partner comes by and introduces himself. He explains what will happen with the recovery area, asks if MOTH is scheduled for an overnight stay and advises that he had booked a bed for him just in case. He goes into Recovery to check if MOTH is there. He drops by again later, and checks again. He reports back that MOTH is there and they had chatted. We say goodbye and I'm very pleased and happy that he has done this.

Two hours later they call me in. MOTH is woozy but drinking and eating a little. He's not quite ready to come home yet - there is a small concern about oxygen saturation levels. We wait and chat to an old couple in the area next to us. They send MOTH for a chest xray.

The nurses chat to the chappie next door. He tells them he has an enlarged prostitute and I'm hard pressed not to burst out giggling. I don't know how the nurses do it.

MOTH is eventually discharged. We drive home and tumble into the house at 4pm. It's been a long day.

Friday I stay home from work to keep an eye on MOTH. Well, someone has to. And he's supposed to have a responsible adult to supervise. *i do my best to fulfill that role*

The Elder has Foxtel put on. On Saturday I decide I'm going to check it out. I scroll through the channels and see what is on. I watch a couple of movies and some episodes of favourite programs. Before I know it, I've spent the day there in the recliner and it's now 3pm.

A wonderful way to relax. I wonder if I can repeat for next weekend?


Gastronomy Gal said...

Glad MOTH's surgery went well- how nice of your boss' partner- sounds very caring!

P.S weird- velcro in hair? wth?

Colleen Barnett said...

very nice of your boss's partner hey. see? there are some genuine people in the world. somewhere...

Daddy on a computer? Neat!

sparklingmerlot said...

velcro - hair piece unstuck?

Glad MOTH is home and his hospital experience was positive. Hate to say it but it really does help to know someone on the front line.