Monday, November 29, 2010

Wanted: A good home...

So anyone want a kitten? Comes with a free dog.

My glasses went missing. To be truthful, I didn't notice they were missing till I said goodbye to the dog before I left to catch the bus for work on Monday. And there they were, tucked under the dog in his bed. With a lens missing. I was thinking they were beyond salvage because I couldn't see the lens, and these are half frames.

MOTH found the lens after and took the glasses to see if they could be repaired. They were, and for nix. Yay!

I was off sick on Tuesday and Wednesday. I've been having a bit of trouble with vertigo. Seems my blood pressure is a wee bit high. Never mind, we'll fix that the way nature intended. With medication. So new meds. It's been almost a week now and I'm still suffering from bouts of light headedness.

Somewhere around 3am on Thursday morning, the Elder left to go back north to collect the last of her gear. She left Sheldon and Fred with us.

Thursday I'm back to work but maybe I should have pushed the doc for the rest of the week off.

Saturday morning and I'm into the kitchen to let the dog out and do the rest of the morning pet stuff. And what is this!? My expensive pretty blue and silver havaianas - which I have owned and worn everywhere pre doggy I might add - are in the Fred's bed. Chewed. One thong is now too short for my foot and I can no longer wear them! If they must chew something, why the heck do they choose my $30 footwear?!

I'm not happy.

MOTH and I go out briefly to the shops. When I return, the lace curtain in the toilet is now sporting a tear approximately two feet long. Stupid cat! I so do not like you right now!

So much for keeping my blood pressure down.

MOTH gets a text from the Elder on Sunday. Apparently the car has broken down and isn't going anywhere in a hurry. She's stranded up there for a while longer. She's trying to convince me to take the animals up to her in the car when we go mid December. I'm trying to convince her to come back by train and she can look after the animals in the back of the car. I'm certainly not sitting in the front while Fred tangles himself in the harness on the back seat and knocks the cat cage off the seat....

Sunday night I let the inner child have its way and I sat down to watch Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian. It lasted 3 hours. And every 10 minutes there was a minimum of 8 ads. Minimum. Talk about ruining the movie.....

Oh, and I've completely forgotten to post the pic of the pirates at party. Ah well.


Colleen Barnett said...

yes,get her to come and look after them. It's funny, but Oz just sits on the seat. He's good int he car. The cat hides...

And now you will have to buy your thongs like the rest of us - $4 at Big W! LOL!

Bored doggies and kitties are a huge problem. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

yes, i see once again you have annoying lodgers... sucker for punishment aren't you? :-P moose

JoeinVegas said...

From the sound of it I'd say why wait? Take them up there this weekend.

Butterfly Kissez said...

Well I did want a dog and a cat but after reading that maybe not lol

Chris H said...

Oh pups that chew everything... we have one too!

Gastronomy Gal said...

Aghh why is it always the things that are new that get chewed! At least they were havianas and not some even more expensive clothes or something!

Anonymous said...

in my defense, the babies are just missing my sheer awesomeness. =]


ummm... skivvy's that have been worn all week in summer???

- The Elder

yeah.. i can't remember my sign in details... hahahaha