A great song really. But that's what I've got here - I'm first in again. And today it looks like three of our six carparks have been lost to interlopers. They aren't marked as reserved, and one chap I spoke to this morning doesn't intend to stop using it until he's told officially that it is reserved...
I'm in the bus hurtling home. Or is it to work? I can't remember. A stop sign catches my eye. Bright red octagonal. STOP and some wag has written underneath "it's hammertime".
Relaxing on the train on the way home from work. I've not decided if I like the train better than the bus or not. The guard this afternoon is a chirpy chap. He's reminding us of the quiet carriage rule. No yelling, no loud musical devices, no cartwheeling, no dancing ... although dancing could be ok if it's quiet... Several of the passengers in my carriage are chuckling quietly to themselves. Being a guard must be a boring job.
There's police tape cordoning off one of the city bus stops. I wonder if it's for real or someone's idea of a practical joke? What could have happened there? There's some substance on the wooden seats, but no obvious traces of blood...
The stove has spit the chips again. That's twice now. It seems to be shorting out and one of the elements gets very hot. MOTH told me last time the repairman looked at it and determined the problem to be one of the controls. The pot of tortellini boiled over a day ago. I wonder if water is getting under the control knobs and that's causing the short?
No boiled egg for breakfast for me!
We had a meet and greet bbq this week. At work, so that people working in different sections on lower floors could meet everyone else. I know that we and Property and Facilities were invited but I don't know if anyone in any of the other buildings was there. I met a couple of people so duty done.
After we'd eaten, some of the GTs decided to go for a walk to check the path that leads back to the main University campus. Apparently there is one. Admin2 decided to join them and I declined to head back to the office. It's the middle of the day, sunny and hot and I'm not that stupid. Errrr energetic. Ahem. The rest came back some time later but no Admin2. Apparently she had left before them. The manager who had gone with them was worried that she may have missed the gate. She was quite concerned. The GTs? One appeared almost as concerned, one confused, one pretended to care and me? Me? I was totally meh. She'll be right. Probably stopped off somewhere. Didn't sway the manager. Eventually she found her way back. She'd stopped off at the ladies ...
And it made me think ... I'd be a very good First Aid Officer. *i'm supposed to do the training* In the words of Froggy summing up - Oh. You've cut your leg? And it's bleeding? Well, looks pretty terminal to me. Just wait there for 5 minutes while I call the Coroner for you.
And MOTH laughed and agreed!
Oooh I've been published! *feels privileged* haha.
"I feel faint..." I have done a first aid certificate. Debating whether to renew it or not. Do I want to pay the money, or should I go back to Time for Kids, who paid for the first one, and get them to pay, although we are not active on their register at the moment... hmmm
*glerle* - don't be such a glerle, it's just a major artery you've severed. sheesh!
What a bugger about your stove. Here's hoping you can get it fixed.
New activities in the new location. Nice they tried to get you together.
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