It's been a very quiet week. Happening wise. I've been slack on the notes front, so if you smell smoke it's me trying to remember what I've done this week.
Conference preparation is ramping up this week. Oddly enough - or perhaps not that oddly at all - work has employed a full time conference helper for the next three months. I have reminded the temp that if she has too much work to pass it to me. About 40 - 50% of my position description is conference stuff, but I think maybe my supervisor has forgotten that. Even though I ask every so often what she wants me to do.
Plenty annoying and bringing the serious job searching a little closer.
I've caught the bus this morning. It's not a long bus today, but I have managed to grab a couple of those. Yay! I always go right down the back. Each morning as we travel through the city we pass a Synagogue. Sometimes I have seen a gent outside wearing his yarmulke. This morning I see an Orthodox, complete with black suit, white shirt, broad brimmed black hat. The only thing he was missing was the long curly sideburns. I wonder what role he plays, if any.
Second to last stop and the driver calls something back to the passengers who aren't de-bussing. We all look at each other, as strangers do when they aren't sure what is going on. It turns out she is getting us to swipe our go cards at this stop as the reader is about to die. That's helpful of her as not swiping incurs a penalty of $5. A bit excessive when the trip is less than that. You can claim it back from Translink, but that's a bit of a convoluted process.
A short week this week because of Easter. Late night shopping on the usual day - Thursday - and the shopping centre is packed by the time we've finished. I finish work early because I start early so we have it over and done with by 6.30pm. Yay for our cleverness.
I think about making cupcakes, but only I would eat them so I don't think it's worth it. Maybe I will make them before I return to work next Monday? I'll think about it some more.
Easter Sunday dawns and I give MOTH his Easter present. A block of Coles milk chocolate. He thanks me and droops a little. I didn't get you anything for Easter. Never mind, I say. I got myself a block of Coles milk chocolate as well.
It's now Tuesday and I've just opened it today.... Who am I and what have I done with myself??
so you swipe on and swipe off again, is that how it works?
Coles milk chocolate...mmmm
I actually got an easter gift I didn't buy myself this year. First one.
Cup cakes .... mmmmmmmmmmm.
I didn't buy chocolate this easter cos I figured we can buy it any time! Maybe we should ONLY buy it at Easter.
I didn't know that you could claim it back. I always forget to swipe the bloody thing when I get off.
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