Time is flying. Year-wise that is. I can't believe that it's Christmas month. Where did the year go?
So I mentioned last time that the Chef has moved in. I'm beginning to feel like the Christmas turkey. All fattened up and ready to go.
But this doesn't come cheap - I need to keep topping up the fridge and the pantry. A lot of what he cooks I don't have the ingredients for. I'm thinking that in future, I'll keep what he gives for board as a slush fund for more food. Hope that works!
Possibly emotionally costly. I get he's broken. His way of dealing though, is to lose his temper and take it out on other things. Slamming doors. Throwing things. And yet, when he's feeling 'stable' - for want of a better word - he's easy to get along with and usually quite funny. Oh, and he also has a foul, foul mouth. And bulimia, he tells me - although I've not seen him binge, I've heard him purge.
And I deal with this by ignoring this behaviour. MOTH, on the other hand, doesn't like the language, and can't deal with the temper tantrums. He tells me that yesterday, an episode made him feel depressed.
You know I thought that heart attacks were supposed to make you take stock and slow down. Not this one. It's made him more uptight, less tolerant, and now everything depresses him, or annoys him.
I'm beginning to think I can't wait to get back to work. And that's bad.
Sorry to say, it's time to send Moth out to work. Yep, time he got away from the house and volunteered somewhere, or took a part time job somewhere. For his, and everyone else's sanity, methinks...
aaah froggy is our very own pauline hanson... she says what everyone else thinks but is never brave enough to say! hee hee yes, the new householder may be a broken soul, but are the meals tasty???? hmmmmmmmmm so when do i get to come and visit??? :-D
Yes, the meals are tasty. Plain, but tasty. He can make pasta from scratch. His pizzas - he's only made one batch though - are tops. His cupcakes are excellent.
He gets a day out a month on a committee. What more does he need??? XD
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