Which pretty much sums it up really. What a day it's been.
This week has been a little hectic. The Teen has been preparing all week for a trip to visit her sister. She's been on edge all week.
A little while ago MOTH decided to apply to have his super released. Because, like, he's old and no longer working. The fun we had with the paperwork. While he was away visiting his friend, it disappeared. I was so worried. I think there is a pixie or something living in the house, because important papers get put to one side and you never see them again. But no one can remember seeing them or moving them. Eventually I found them - when I was looking for something else that had gone missing.
When he came back, he went off to the doctor once again. The original report he had from them didn't address the information the super fund wanted or thought they needed. But the original information he was given didn't say anything about special forms for the doctors to fill out. Just what they needed to say. More or less. So when the papers arrived from the super fund, hey presto. There were the report forms. So back he trundled. (And he does that so well. The trundling I mean.)
But I'm wandering again. They paid him out. And we found that in the account last Thursday. Mind, the paperwork from the fund advising it had been paid hasn't been sighted yet. And the money has gone. Almost. It wasn't a huge sum to start with, but it has helped to get rid of a loan. With a little bit left over.
I had - and yes, I know it's not my money - hoped that we could sit down and decide where it would be best spent. The car needs a service. Teeth need fixing. We're going away in a couple of weekend's time and need to pay for it. A hair straightener. You know, important stuff.
MOTH has always been a heavy impulse spender though. And I guess I am too. But I'm slowing down a little now. I love getting gifts though, and I did get one out of this. A new laptop. It's not the one I wanted. I was thinking of other options to get the one I wanted. But this one will do well enough. It's good enough for what I'm wanting to do. It's matt black, and reasonably light. I've nearly finished setting it up too; just trying to see if I can network the printer. *wriggles like an excited puppy*
He got himself one as well. And yesterday accessorised it. Computer bag (I TRIED to talk him into getting a smaller cheaper one so I could take it and give him the bigger one he bought me. But no luck there.) USB stick, and a 4 port hub. And something else.... oh yes, a wireless mouse. For me!
Saturday morning saw us up at a preprescribed time called Sparrow Fart. Yes, that's its proper name. So we were up at three am. The Teen flew out at six am, so we had to have time for her to get ready, then jump in the car and head for the airport. As is usual, she got a bit panicky in the terminal, and started snapping at me because I wasn't paying her due attention. AND confusing her as well. Although how you confuse the confused is beyond me.
After having a minor arguement in the terminal I got her settled. And MOTH paid her off with a sum of spending money. $100 to be exact. She thought it was a fortune. Luckily, we've always been povo (the Elder's word when she was at school) so it doesn't take much to keep 'em quiet.
After we saw her off, it was time for home and a bit of a nap before I started the day. Again. A trip to the library and shoe shopping with Sunny rounded out the rest of the day.
Sunday was a bludge day. Actually most of my weekends are. I played with my new toy(s).
Because I forgot to mention. I upgraded my phone. *hides eyes* I know, I know. Did I upgrade it? Or did I just change the phone? I'm still on the same plan, so I guess I just changed it. It's a Sony Ericsson C902. The thing I use my phone for the most is ... the camera. Oh, and texting. And the Samsung was seeing a good deal of wear and tear. In fact, it will be the first one I have not been able to resell in almost mint condition. It looks like it has been well and truly used and abused.
*loves new phone*
And while in the library, it went off. Took me a second to realise it was ringing. No one calls me! And it was the Teen. Help! I think I left the money dad gave me at home! What can I do? Ummm, the last time I saw it, you were tucking it into your shirt.... *silence* Umm ... and the Elder in the background It's in the bra! *mumble* two days! And a sheepish reply ... it's ok, we found it...
And just on the quiet, the Teen is coming back with a tattoo. But MOTH doesn't know yet. I'm gonna be in sooooo much trouble when he finds out... *shrugs*
I thought the law said they had to be over 18 now? Why does she do shit that is going to create waves! No respect! I can tell you, I will personally throttle Jr if she thinks she can do that. And I told her she has to be 18 by law anyway. seems to work so far...
But tell me, why did you buy two laptops? why do you both need one? Just curious...
She got it done in NSW. And I gave her a stat dec to say she had permission. Just that MOTH doesn't know she has it...
I've wanted a laptop for taking about with me to the conference etc, and MOTH decided he wanted one for all his stuff. He could get a good deal for two, so he did.
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