Monday, January 12, 2009

What day is it again?

It does seem to be a Monday. I'm sitting at work - of course - and I'm so tired that I can't even begin to think straight. I'm busy shaking my fist at some Pacific nation because right now, it's apparently in some sort of weather induced state of flux and everything I stressed over last week must now be redone.

On the homefront everything is pretty normal. For our house. We still don't have the interwebs. Friday just gone, MOTH gave himself a good dose of the downers. Huh. For some reason, Cactus Island popped into the vacant space occupying my brain at present.

But I digress!

He phoned Telstra to talk to them about getting the issue of the interwebs sorted. A couple of hours and countless people later, he still hadn't got it resolved. He almost had, he was getting somewhere with someone really helpful annnnddd ... the phone cut out and switched him back to a call centre. He gave up. Spent the rest of the day keeping the Black at bay.

There you go, it's now confirmed. Telstra is a major cause of depression.

He tried again a day or so later. The issue still isn't resolved, but we did find out that the service we had been on at the old address - ADSL2 - is not available at the new place. I think there is some big story behind that, but us little plebs will never know it. So now we have to convince Telstra that we shouldn't continue to pay for a service that we can't use.

Saturday, the Teen bugged me to spend a bit of my money - bond refund - and get some dye for her hair. Yes, dear readers, she's making the sacrifice. She's giving up the blonde and going brown. She and I went to the supermarket and picked the colour. Too cheap and nasty we are to have it done in a salon. We purchased two boxes because now she has the extensions in, things aren't as easy as they once were. And spent AB-SO-BLOODY-LUTELY ages putting it through. By crikey though, it went dark.

When she got to the washing out stage, it was black! Or at least, a very dark, patchy, charcoal colour. Apart from the roots where her natural hair colour was. It had gone a pretty brown ...

... many tears later, and we decided that the next day we would have to purchase a different one. And so we did. Different brand too. This new one was the same brand I use. And another forty dollars later, I decided it might have been cheaper to get one of her hairdresser friends to do it after all. Serves us right! *kicks self. and her too*

So, this one was a little more of a success. And all were happy.

On a completely different note I treated myself to a nintendo DS lite. I tromped everywhere, but could only get a light blue, pink or white. No one had black. Not anywhere. But Sunny has white. Rules that one out. The Elder, although she doesn't live at home, has light blue. Guess that only left the pink. * small shudder* The Teen wasn't too upset about that. By her way of thinking, I can save up and purchase myself a black one. As long as she gets the pink one.

Of course.

1 comment:

Colleen Barnett said...

I bought myself a pink one from ebay some time ago. just before Jr Her's broke. guess where my pink one went? never did get to use it...

(word of the page is "slose"....