Monday, March 09, 2009

Why do you suppose my week days remain somewhat ho hum and if anything happens, it's on a weekend? Or is it just that my memory sort of filters out anything beyond a couple of days ago? And I'm lucky to retrieve that much.

This week though is a bit of an exception.

Sometime toward the end of last week I had a text from the Teen. She was bordering on hysterical. Instead of coming directly home from school that day, she had decided to make a detour to the local shops to buy herself a drink. This is not a problem in itself I would say. The problem with that is the ne'er to do element of the school has been making trouble at the shopping centre. Which has retaliated by having students banned between school hours and security guards. I'm also told they have 'plain clothes' patrolling, along with mounted police. And the latter I know to be true - I've seen the hoofprints...

So, where was I? Oh yes. At the shops. And while she was there, smoked. One of her friends then told her that a man had taken a photograph. The Teen panicked. She was in an out of bounds area, smoking while in school uniform. And she didn't know what consequences that would have. Haven't heard from the school yet, so we'll burn that bridge when we cross it. *shrugs*

On Friday, the Elder and Jawsome arrived for a visit! *colour me happy* It was great to see them. They were delivering Team Shitbox to the Teen. For her to learn to drive in. All she needs now is her learner's permit.

And that's a scary thought.

During the course of a conversation with the Elder, she mentioned "when we move in". It stopped me dead in my tracks. Wha? Did I just hear that aright? Yes. I did. *faints*

It seems the lease is up soon where they are now, and the general thinking is that there are more job opportunities up this way. I don't have a problem with that. There are just some things that need to be taken into consideration first.

They would have to sell one car. The garage is only a three car and no, she cannot park in the front yard, nor in the middle of the 'roundabout'. No, I would not be happy to move the boyos out of their current room and into the smaller one. It is only bigger because it is longer. The kingsize bed is not going to fit in that room any better than it would in the smaller one. The Elder and the Teen get along famously when they are apart. Put them together for any length of time and it's one big barney. With that many people in the house, there is no room for bad tempers!

Any space MOTH and I have gained in the move is lost. Completely. No room in the garage. No spaces to hide from people.

The Teen already runs at full volume. The last thing she needs is encouragement. I would be happy to have them, but boy, is it going to mean adjustment.

*gives weak, frightened smile*

On Saturday though, I did recolour my hair. Popped out of bed *moth must have hit the eject button* and into the bathroom to get the colour thing going. At about 06:00. Gotta get an early start you know.

I like it this way. Purple on top again, with black underneath. It looks great when I straighten it.

Saturday night was out with the team *Jawsome, Elder, Sunny, Judah* for a friend's birthday. She is a funny girl. The venue was a nightclub that none of us has been to before. It's somewhat alternative. And boy, they don't spend any money on the decor! But the DJ, when he was playing, had chosen some pretty good music. Not long after we arrived, a band set up and kicked off into their set. They were so LOUD that it was making my sinus resonate, and if I turned my head the wrong way I thought I was going to pass out. Thankfully they didn't go all night; played their set and packed up. Back to the DJ and the better music.

The night was called quits early; Sunny stuck with Judah, the Elder got tired and it wasn't really Jawsome's scene. We had determined that the nightlink bus would stop from about 01:30 am from where we had been dropped off. But no one knew what would happen earlier than that. Each time I tried to get anyone to decide what they wanted to do, I got blank looks and the admonition to not make anyone make a decision. In the end, I got them moving and we went looking for buses. *hates when a group vascilates and no one will take the lead*

The train seemed to be the option to get back to the CBD. And just prior to purchasing a ticket, Sunny discovered the devastating loss of his go card. Luckily, I had $10 over from admission that I could pay for his ticket home.

Buses were scarce. As hens teeth. The mall stops were empty. Some chappie who had been working the platforms directed us to the casino as all the buses had stopped running for the night. Up we went. Only to discover that the next bus we could catch wouldn't be by until 01:26. A 50 minute wait.

To while away the time, we watched people, watched the taxi rank across the road and chatted nonsense.

The taxi rank. What can I say? That if you are ever looking for a taxi in the CBD on a Saturday night/Sunday morning, opposite the casino is the place to be. Taxis come in, taxis pull out. And all directed by a chap waving a glowing wand. He tells them where to pull up. He tells which passengers to get into which taxis. His partner in crime down the way a little keeps the taxis moving. It was beautifully choreographed. Fascinating. See? These are the things that keep you occupied while you wait at the stop with 60 million other people who also want to catch a bus home.

Sunday was a little quieter. The Elder pilfered my laptop for the day and played the Sims2. Sunday afternoon, I helped MOTH in the garden, getting rid of the dead branches from the pruning of the shrubs. Sunny helped too. Which MOTH greatly appreciated. And toward the end, Jawsome came out of the house and joined the line. Amazing. *grins*


Colleen Barnett said...

That casino taxi rank runs like the Adelaide Airport - very professional!

Might be time to suggest the boys move on so Elder and Jawsome can come home. Better blood than not I think... and less hassle and stress too.

The Elder said...

i've said that i have no problem with paying the 150 a week, as long as the boys' rent increases when they get better jobs too.

cause frankly, if i have to pay more rent than the boys and we're stuck in the smaller room, it's gonna be heaps bullshit.

and it's only going to be until jawsome pays off his card and we find our own place.

as it is i'm stressing out too much about all this crap that's been happening, but moving seems to be the only way i can get a job.