Dear Diary,
It's been 8 days since my last confession.....
And any comment I was going to make about a singularly boring and quiet week has been completely blown away by a disturbing but hardly surprising fact.
I dashed out to the kitchen this morning to fetch something and discovered that NO ONE HAD WASHED UP LAST NIGHT'S DINNER DISHES.
Hardly surprising I know, but f'rfksake, we have a DISHWASHER people! I cooked, so I'm exempt from said duty. But I have a sneaking suspicion that if I hadn't scraped the leftovers into a container, they would have been left there as well.
Silly me wandered past on my way to bed and noted SOMEONE standing at the sink washing up. Thank you I said. And this morning discovered that the only things that were washed were a couple of mugs and a couple of plates. Everything else was scattered across the bench. Exactly where it had been left. Wait. I fib. There were some stuff added to it.
Go figure.....
But the rest of the week has been quiet. Very quiet. I did manage to get MOTH to leave the house on Sunday. On the spur of the moment, we took Karen out and drove into the city to hunt for and hunt through a cookware shop. I purchased a crepe pan. Not cheap - around $40 - but the absolute cheapest there was! And some piping bag equipment which we shall use to make sausages. Instead of trying to use the attachment with the mincer, we shall pipe them by hand. I hope *crosses fingers*
Just for something to do, I laid down a request for a tamis, but they didn't have any. A phone call yesterday revealed that they couldn't source one either, so they've delegated it to the too hard basket, but advised the manager/owner who has more experience of my request.
I did test the pan. I need practice! Lots of practice. I have a few recipes for the crepes themselves, but working the pan, getting the right quantites ... THAT'S the bit gonna take the practice.
Nice with icecream, melted butter and sugar though. Hmmmmmmmm.
do did you have the appropriate hissy fit this morning? I would have spat big time. Lazy little sods.
who's karen?
**pvyyrin** ??? any suggestions?
trust u to want a piece of equipment from the middle ages.
and i agree, i also woulda cracked a tantie if the dishes weren't done. EVERYONE knows they have to be done.
oh, and jawsome surprised me yesterday..... i came home and he's washed up the few plates that were on the bench. he's learning!!
*wipes tear from eyes*
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