Bones is on and it's hard to write this and concentrate on the telly at the same time!
Sometime during the week I tried to chat to Sibling1. Somehow or another we couldn't coordinate our computer time and the very short conversation took a very long time. But I did find out that the keyboard works while I'm sitting on the couch. What a shame I couldn't read what appeared on the screen. It was too far away!
This week marked the Centenary of The University of Queensland. There was a cake cutting ceremony and speeches. Champagne, orange juice and sparkling water were offered for the toast. Small squares of cake were passed around and it was very difficult to get through the students seeking free stuff! I missed out on the champers, but managed to get a very small piece of cake. Someone took the piece I was looking at because I stopped to grab a serviette. *darn those manners of mine!*
Saturday was a lazy day. Well, for me. MOTH spent time in the garden digging up plants. And shrubs. And making a mess. I had a go at installing an expansion pack for my latest game. It surely takes some getting used to. This mac business is so different when you've been using Windows for years. Eventually I figured out what I was doing and all works well.
I thought about attending the Sunday Centenary celebrations at the University.
Sunday dawned and none too brightly. Forecast was for rain.
Sitting in the rumpus room, MOTH decided he would go up to the local shopping centre. Did I want to leave at the same time? Sure. He was ready to go now. I grabbed my bag, phone and papers. While sitting at the bus stop I suddenly realised that I would be going out in public with NO makeup. Not a scratch. *eeeeeeep!* And no food for lunch. And no money in my wallet to buy food either. *well planned, hey*
Arrived at the campus about 11.30am. What was I going to do first? MOTH didn't come with me; we'd be on our feet for most of the day and I didn't intend to leave before 6.30pm.
First stop was the art gallery.

Finished that and headed out to catch a tour through the state of the art teaching spaces. Oh, I missed it by about 5 minutes. I then had 20 minutes until the story telling session. I waited and eventually decided to wait outside the room where it was scheduled. It seems that I've managed to sit myself right where the story telling will be held. There were 4 stories. They were great! The first was Kookaburra and he saved grumpy Wombat from a bush fire. The first story teller was very animated and did lots of actions, making the kids join in. The second story was about a magic cupboard. Whatever you wished for you could have when you opened the cupboard but each time you took something out, you had to put something back. It was meant to make us think about each time we take and don't put back. The third was the story of a travelling man in China who slept at an inn where the landlady turned guests into donkeys. Goanna Jumps High was number 4, told again by the first story teller. It was about a goanna who won the high jump at interschool sports. I could almost hear the aboriginal kids yelling at each other - look out! He's comin! He'll run right up your leg and sit on your head!!
From there it was out to watch John Meyer play.
I like his music. After his set finished I had some time to waste. I visited the Anthropology Museum. I'd never been through there before. There wasn't much in it.
Back to the music to catch the last of Montpelier's set. Then the fill in music while they set up for the Riptides. Apparently these blokes used to be ..... Gangajang. Whoo! I sat through a couple of songs from the set and moved on. I found myself at the writer's hub while four authors talked about how they came to be published. They were very amusing.
Time for the finale of the evening. Oh no. It's starting to rain. Not heavily but raining none the less.
Eventually it starts and it was great! The event was a performance by Deep Blue. A youth orchestra with a different twist on their performances. They aren't seated in one place but move around the stage as they play. They are very good.
MOTH spent the day tidying up the mess he created in the garden on Saturday. Think I got the better deal.
It's Sunday. Around 9.30pm and I'm exhausted.
THE John Mayer? Wow, he is a jerk but I do like his music.
And I know you like Deep Blue too, that would have been great.
Sounds like you had a wonderful day out, soaking up all that culture. Way to go, girl, you'll be edumacated in no time! :-)
*rinct* hope your ears don't rinct after that loud music.... nah, that didn't really work, did it?
Woops! That was me, Froggy! Sorry! :-)
Sounds as if you had the perfect Sunday. And on your own too, which is always great when you want to spend time looking and listening!
I don't think you watch that show to watch Bones, you're probably looking at Booth (or Angel, depending on the daydreams)
Ahhhh...I LOVE Sundays like that...slow and easy and just doing whatever pleases YOU...nice one :)
*depunt* wonder how much of depunt ended up on decanvas...
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