Thursday, April 29, 2010

Seller beware!

MOTH was so proud of himself.

He came bouncing down to the rumpus room. I just got scammed!!

He is selling a car and got a response. I'm at sea, I want to buy for my brother in law. Can you please send your bank acc details so blah blah blah.

But no! MOTH didn't fall for that. Either because of that tabloid television stuff - maybe it's good for something after all - or my constant nagging to be suspicious he knew it for what it was.

He replied, advising that he didn't give out bank details and if the bloke could send an agent round with the money, he'd be happy to take it.

MOTH was so proud of himself!


Colleen Barnett said...

Very good. But he may have been a legitimate buyer you know, asking for bank details to make an electronic deposit.. :-)

is that the Supra?

*pharitch* the itches pharaohs get?

Anonymous said...

Don't mess with the MOTH!

Butterfly Kissez said...

Yay!! Good to know some ppl are not gullible...

*lecaspe* le friendly ghost...or is that la? Pfft who knows =P

JoeinVegas said...

Glad he caught that. Sure it wasn't you teaching him?

Gastronomy Gal said...

hilarious- you should tell him to look up the website scam eater!