And I need the totally unhealthy fat boost to get the mind going - here's a wrap up for a not very exciting week but a fun weekend.
Zman has been away and I'm required to catch the bus. I think you may have worked this out. It's cold when I get home. And dark. Not happy, but hey, it's winter. I get off the bus and you guess right - I'm cold. I need my jacket. I put my handbag on the bus stop seat while I take it out. What that noise? Oh no! I've pulled my jacket out and my sunglasses came with it! And now they've gone through the seat. It has slats on the seat, concrete sides and a solid back. How am I going to get them now? There's no street light either. I'm relying on the headlights going by to be able to find them in the dark. Luckily they have bling! It shines in the reflected light and soon I've got them. Thank goodness.
I've just crossed the road and I'm heading for my afternoon bus stop. Hey, that bloke looks familiar. Is it? No, it can't be... at least, I don't think so ..... Is it Keiren Perkins or not? The hair looks the same, the smile looks the same, his shoulders are broad and he's tending toward a llittle too heavy. He's very, very tall. *heck, from MY perspective, EVERYONE is very very tall* He looks very much like this
Maybe it is.....
Sunny and Judah are over for dinner. We have spaghetti bolognese. From a jar because I am lazy and lack imagination. And I've finally done it. We've lived in this house for eighteen months or more. And I've finally joined the very long queue of those who have turned the dishwasher on with their backside. By leaning on it. Sunny and MOTH were happy.
It's shopping night. I use a different bus route home to meet MOTH at the shopping centre as arranged. I'm on the bus and send him a text to say I'm on the way. He phones back. Ummm why are you going to that shopping centre? We arranged to meet at THIS shopping centre. Whoops! Just as well I put the name of the shopping centre I was headed to in the text! Can you imagine the fun trying to find each other?
By the way, I have NO recollection of arranging to meet at his nominated shopping centre at all ...
I hate pigeons. Just thought I'd put that out there. Horrible, messy lice ridden things. While looking for something else, I've come across lyrics to a song. The line goes Butter my a*se with a pigeon tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow we'll butter a cow. I've pointed it out to MOTH who just shakes his head. It's the following day and we're headed out somewhere in the car. Well, butter my a*se with a pigeon! I say. MOTH's quick comeback was tomorrow we'll butter a cow. Consider me IMPRESSED!
It's Saturday morning and I've an appointment to have my income tax done by an agent. I've not done this before - I've always done it myself. This year, I have a question about an allowance I was paid and I'm curious as to how they will deal with it. Turns out it's so simple I probably could have done it myself anyway. But now I've paid $135 for someone else to do it. I hope it works out well and doesn't take too long.
There isn't much else happening for the rest of the day. I've got a library book due back on Tuesday and I've barely started it. I had better get in some serious reading. The book is called Shades of Grey by Jasper Fforde. I like his work.
Sunday MOTH and I are headed for an outing I've been planning for a while. There is an exhibition of Ron Mueck's work at the Gallery of Modern Art. I've seen illustrations of his work, but it will be really good to see it in actuality. We've found our way to the gallery but boy! The ticket line is long! We've joined the queue and got the tickets. This artist's work is very, very realistic and I've been looking forward to this ever since I saw the ad - on the side of a bus.
Head up to the third level and the work is AMAZING! It varies in size from a new born baby several metres long,
to these lovely ladies who are about eighteen inches tall ...

By the time we left about three quarters of an hour later, the line for tickets to this exhibition was out the door and into the plaza. Glad we got there when we did.
Across the bridge to Eagle Street for lunch at Coffee Club. Oh darn, my friend isn't working yet, if at all today. Ah well, maybe next time.
It's home and a cup of milo. I'll have to start thinking about dinner soon - apparently I'm cooking. Pork chops and veggies I think. Then yay! It's Bones and Castle night. Whoo!
wow, I am impressed! you sound like you actually had some excitement. And I didn't' think your butt was actually high enough to reach the dishwasher button??
Heh, my butt turns on my dishwasher, but then, it has to. That's why I married him...
*dacte* mmmmmmm nope, nuthin'
"Butter my arse with a pigeon". Love it. Can you link to the actual song?
I wish I had moved my pigeon buttered arse when the Ron Mueck exhibition was in Melbourne and had seen it. Two and his GF saw it as part of an assignment for her uni course and said it was confronting.
We were forever turning on our dishwasher in our old house. The new one is sort of set under the bench a bit more so you'd need a really strange shaped bum to turn it on.
Had a chuckle at Froggy's dishwasher!
Have a good week, Sol.
Yes, doog that you texted before getting there - hope it didn't take too many buses to get to the right place.
Ooh I LOVE cheese and onion flavoured chips! We have those in the naughty vending machine we have on our floor...
And I would have loved to see that exhibition! Looks so awesome!
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