Not a hugely eventful week. Just the usual stuff I guess. And this week, I've not prepared a single dessert before work! *gasp*
Zman has been getting caught in traffic in the mornings so we've been getting work a bit later. Tuesday we missed the fire drill. He was not impressed. We arrived at the door just as everyone was coming back to the building. Dangit.
MOTH and I decided to dine out on Wednesday night. just because. And they had a buy one main meal get the second for half price deal going. Well, alright, it was an anniversary dinner about two weeks late. We settled in and ordered. The menu is rather extensive and we didn't know what we wanted! Except perhaps the cheesy fries. They haven't changed and were as delicious as I remember. MOTH ordered fillet mignon with baked sweet potato. I ordered fajitas. I didn't realise that usually means you make your own - so I've been told! So much food came out that I looked at it and lost my appetite. There was no way I could get through all of that. Four tortillas, little bowls of filling and heaps of meat. I managed to down two and the waitress who came later asked if we wanted a take away container. I said no, and she shook her head. There was an awful lot left she said! Well, there was.
MOTH's came with a little side salad with blue cheese dressing. I thought the colours were cute and had to take a photo of it.
Wednesday I took a trip to the dentist. What an expensive exercise that is! An exam and one filling set me back $230. Ouch!
Thursday and Friday were quiet. I was hoping to get home at a decent hour on Friday but it wasn't to be. I had to wait for Zman to finish something he was working on and that didn't happen until after 6pm.
Saturday MOTH discovered that he had finally received a small amount of money from his mother's inheritance. He gave it some thought about what he wanted to do with it. I didn't feel well and didn't really want to get out of bed on Saturday but it was a case of have to, alas. It was election day, and for those who are overseas, voting here is not an option. They say it's a right but if you don't vote you get fined. So go figure. At the booth, I spotted a young man wearing a grey t-shirt captioned "Let's just pretend I give a shit and leave it at that". I loved it and thought it pretty much summed up the day.
Sunday MOTH had decided what to do with his money. Let's go shopping! We bought a new bed. Our current one has seen it's best days. On thinking about it, the frame is something like 8 years old, a timber frame which sounds like it's going to collapse every time you roll over. That mattress. Ah yes, the mattress. We calculate it was bought before Teen was born. She's now 18. I think we deserve a new bed, yes? It will go nicely with the new sheets we bought last week. One set of sheets doesn't seem to last as long as it should! I mean, they shouldn't wear thin, should they?
Shame we have to wait till next week to take delivery.... MOTH can hardly wait.
New BED! Excellent! photos, thanks!
Happy Anniversary. It's so important to have a nice bed- you spend so much time there!
We recently bought a new bed and it was the best thing we've bought in a looooong time.
I am glad that you've lowered your standards to those of us mere mortals and have not been creating desserts before work!
New bed - hope it is comfy and you sleep well
I so badly want that T-shirt!!! Think I might print one up myself...
Thanks. Your comment meant a lot :)
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