Monday and Tuesday were quiet. Even work was a little slow. Tuesday night I discovered that ABC2 was screening my favourite western series, Deadwood. MOTH watched it with me. Geez it's rough, he says. Well, I like the way they don't pull the punches. the streets are muddy, full of horse and pig poo and rubbish; the lower classes look unwashed and most everyone has bad teeth. Realism I say.
I spent my time waiting for the public holiday to arrive on Wednesday. Slowly it rolled around, EKKA show holiday. Whoo!
Just lately we've been spending a lot of time at home, not going out. Today I thought, No! I'm getting out of the house. I talked MOTH into going over to Chermside shopping centre. I love that one. I love the drive over there. There is nothing special in the shops, but it's somewhere different. We spent the morning over there. The rest of the day was spent relaxing.
Thursday was back to work. C and I had a meeting with the conference organizers. I had expected The Manager to attend as well; C mentioned at the meeting that he wasn't coming, having told her that he would let her feel like she was in charge. *thank you for commiserations! this bloke has been with the company longer than i have, so no recent import. i think he's just inconsiderate and probably not used to a mere admin disagreeing with him. lol. dancing with the stars is on; it's a waltz. i'm typing in rhythm!*
Friday morning I made dessert to go with the sausages for dinner. Nothing fancy, but condensed milk tart is MOTH's second favorite. *sorry sparkling! I don't get picked up for work till after 8am and I get out of bed at 6.30am. plenty of time to make a simple dessert!*
It felt like I did a whole day's work before I even left home. I did some washing, transferred money around my accounts, paid some bills.
I love Friday evenings after work but not when Zman decides to finish work late. Today he sent a text around 7.30am to say he was sick and couldn't pick me up. I didn't think I would make the last morning bus. It turned out I would have, but MOTH offered to drive me.
Friday 13 rocked well and truly. We thought we'd stop for Maccas for breakfast. I'd been tonguing for hash browns *yum* for ages. Get them and find a seat. I'm trying to manage my handbag and put the food bag on the table. Get the food bag on the table and go to shift my handbag. Plop! Food bag and food on the floor. Sigh. Luckily they're still in the bag. We eat the food and I've got crumbs on myself and the table. I sweep them off ... right into my open handbag.
MOTH dropped me off at work, but down the other end of campus. Away from my office because they have the road there closed off. The wind is blowing a gale and it occurs to me, did I even brush my hair before I left home this morning? I guess in this weather no one is going to notice anyway. *sigh*
That afternoon, I left at around 4pm to catch the bus. I thought I would take the usual way into the city and then from there so I could relax a little. BAD decision! A half hour bus ride turned into an hour. Eventually I took out my book and started to read. I missed my usual ride home and had to take the long(er) bus home. I made it home around 7pm...
Waking The Dead was interesting, as usual and a great way to relax.
Saturday MOTH showed me the garden fork I had been bleating about. You know, the whole This would be so much easier if I had a fork.... so now we have one. I had to use it. I spent some time digging out some of the weeds that are trying to choke out the plants that I really want in the garden.
He thought he would do the rear brake pads of the car. It's a quick job he said, then it's over and done with. Several hours later, we determined that we couldn't get the piston back in and it would have to be reassembled with the old parts and wait for the mechanic. Brilliant way to waste 6 hours. Not!
Sunday I slept a little later. Yes, till about 7am. I swept the kitchen floor. Stripped and remade the bed. Scrubbed the toilet. Played WoW for a bit. *yes, i've reestablished my account, yay!* Cooked lunch. Made a cheesecake. I thought I'd have a go at the Frangelico cheesecake recipe that Butterfly provided earlier.
Dinner was roast lamb leg, done as part of a new recipe. It's coated with a mix of plain yoghurt, brown sugar, cumin, ground cloves and instant coffee. The whole thing is actually a totally new taste sensation. I didn't use as much of the mix as the recipe recommended. MOTH couldn't taste much, but I thought there was a very subtle taste sensation - the tang of the yoghurt, the sweetness of the sugar and a very faint coffee taste. I liked it, but I think MOTH wasn't necessarily impressed. I probably won't use it again.
I cracked the cheesecake for dessert. Results? It's set, but only just. The Frangelico taste was very strong. Next time I make it, less alcohol and more gelatin. Yes, that should work.
PS: I ate some of the cheesecake for breakfast today. No alcohol burn, so maybe the trick is to leave it overnight. Definitely needs more of the gelatin though. *drools thinking of the next time*
Sounds like your Friday was as eventful as mine, although you win with your 3 hour epic journey home. I am so glad I drive...
How big is your cheesecake? My biscuits only cover the base and about 2cm up the sides. Not far!
I was going to go to the shop for a couple of flake bars to crush through mine, but it was cold and wet out so I made plane...
*brista* a good brista would have made coffee to go with that cheesecake... no? oh well, got nothin' else...
The cheesecake looks fab! I have yet to try it and now I think I shall have to to see how mine comes out! Next stop Bottleshop for some Frangelico lol...maybe we should have a Masterchef style bake-off!
Gonna head off home now before the phone begins to *ringh* again!
Where can I find that cheesecake recipe? I'm a desert person
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