Monday, January 21, 2013

Bran' Nue Week

I made it through my first week back at the grindstone. I'm still wondering how...

Somewhere around 3.30am, Elder and Burrich left to travel north to visit with family. Furkid family mostly, but other family as well. Elder has been feeling very low about many things, least of which is the money situation, and missing Freddy and Hefe very much. I gave a small donation to cover the cost of fuel one way and told her to go. Arrangements were made in very short order *for them* and they were away. It's been a very quiet week!

The Teen seems to have settled into her new abode, no longer living with Harry and his parents. I'm still waiting for her to let me know the new address. She misses Harry and Ace terribly, but she has Garfunkel *ginger kitten* and one or two other furbabies to keep her company. Harry is still adamant that he's not moving out of home though as you'd have to be insane to live with your sister, right?

Babysitter's Club has been in a bit of an uproar this week. Like most old folk, they like to keep to routine and sit in the same place every day they meet. Which is ... every day. This happens to be a group of seats in the *and i use the term very loosely* food court. Tables and chairs placed centrally and surrounded by shops, it happens to be close to Wendys.

They've been discussing the possibility of changing places. Helping this decision along is an older woman who has decided the seats are hers, takes them if the group aren't fast enough and gives them a multitude of filthy looks if they beat her. Not that it bothers them particularly. They've also heard good things about one of the little shops *a juice bar* and it's at the other end of the centre.

Some incident occurred involving Wombat and the staff of Wendys *i think an offhand remark regarding the higher level of trade that day by one of the staff during a conversation with wombat but i'm not sure* resulted in comments by Wendys owner's husband to the tune that the staff were no longer allowed to talk to Wombat. *his story*

The Club decided to move *i'm told this was Wombat's suggestion* to the other end of the centre to the juice bar, a much friendlier place with much better coffee.

The next day Wombat reports that he's received a phone call from Wendys husband to 'explain himself' and that Wendys had spoken to him and cried all over his shoulder about them being her best customers. Perhaps the Club should return?

Coffee at the juice bar with the Club and the coffee is really very nice! The proprietors of that place are so very friendly too, bright smiles and hellos. The Club feel very welcome. I'm watching though as a couple who have been kept waiting *maybe 15 to 20 minutes max* without receiving their order demand their money back. They've abused the waitress, the owner, and her husband. According to the owner it would have taken her about 1 minute to fill the order. It took them longer to abuse everyone and get their money back than it would have taken to make 2 cups of coffee.

I'm dragged up that way again the next day at the request of Special K. The juice bar doesn't trade on Sunday so we've settled on the Coffee Club. Special K has decided we won't go back again as although the coffee there is indeed very good, her wallet can't tolerate it. Perhaps next Sunday we'll go Maccas for coffee instead. They agree.

She's assuming I'll tag along of course. Never a given!

We're sitting there and Wombat wanders past. He hadn't joined us that morning. Again he brings up the crying on his shoulder and maybe the Club should go back?

After he leaves Special K is rather disgusted that Wombat should make the whole situation about him and try to guilt everyone into going back to a business that never seemed to care about them anyway. Wendys *the owner* has NO customer service skills.

MOTH and I have some groceries to pick up this morning. We're chatting to the daughter of an old neighbour when Special K and John come back from their shopping. She tells me Wendys has been crying on John's shoulder about the situation *not her shoulder mind!* and asks if we should go back. My firm opinion is go where you want!

Macaroni and cheese for dinner tonight. I haven't made it for a very long time so I can't remember the recipe. I think I'll prepare it like scalloped potatoes. I'm staring at the tv and decide to switch to the food channel. Nothing else I want to watch. And behold, one of the chefs I've never watched before is making ... macaroni and cheese. I end up following her recipe.

Guess what I have for lunch today??


Colleen Barnett said...

I thought mac and cheese came from a box??

I wouldn't go back to Wendy's myself, but that's just me. Where did they end up going?

JoeinVegas said...

Sounds like none of the shops know what good customer service is.

Chris H said...

We had macaroni cheese a couple of nights ago... it was fab!
I added onions, bacon and chopped up sausage to ours.