Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Can we fix it?

My last week of freedom before I return to the real world. Doctor says I can manage four hours a day for the next two weeks. Then we'll review again. I'm busy trying to find ways to convince her that MOTH needs a full time carer. A good plan.

Or maybe I could import my niece for twelve months. I'm sure that would give Ma a hand and I wouldn't have to work. At work. Cause my niece would keep me busy with a different kind of work. I'd just have to convince Ma. And that could be a lot of work on it's own. Hmmmm. Maybe I'll just keep working. There's too much work involved in this paragraph.

MOTH is busy cleaning up one of the front gardens. There are native trees, some weedy vine with sharp barbs that grip, and the bougainvillea is rampant. This is a work in progress as MOTH has been slowly progressing with it for a long time. Now the old chap next door has begun to lend a bit of a hand to tidy things up. One of the Club members has a small chain saw he's never used. *his daughter won't let him cause he's likely to damage himself* MOTH borrows it and begins to saw up some of the larger branches. It seems to work quite well.

I've installed skype. Lord alone knows why. I don't chat much and I certainly don't video call. I've added Special K and she thinks it grand. I can now tell tales out of school and she can rag MOTH when she sees him next.

One of the local grocery chains has the Nescafe Dulce Gusto on special. I think about buying it. The Elder owns one and she loves it. I watched her use it and it's very fast. Ours is a little slow and fiddly and won't take a full sized coffee mug. MOTH doesn't like to use it often for this reason. I use it frequently. I buy it and tell MOTH that's his Father's Day present from the girls. The coffee pod choices are a little limited flavour wise and none of the other pods seem to fit. That's ok, the flavours I can get are still good.

I seem to be the only one using it...

MOTH decides to tackle the tangle in the front garden again. He pulls the starter cord and ... the handle comes off and the cord disappears into the machine. Uh oh. That didn't take long. Looks like he's going to have to change his mind and fix it.

MOTH complains to me the new coffee machine is terrible. There's something wrong with it. He made a coffee and it was COLD! He had to zap it in the microwave. Did you do it right? I ask. Did you push the lever the right way? There's a right way? Yes, I tell him. The machine does both hot and cold drinks. Did you read the instruction booklet? The lever has a small circle on it, one side of which is blue, the other red. What circle? What colours? I can't see colours! *and he's right. in a fashion. he's colour blind, but he's not blind* He switches the kitchen light on and still complains he can't see the circle. I tell him, lever to the left for cold drinks, to the right for hot drinks. And laugh.

Tomb Raider is nearly finished. I'm about 74% through. Surprisingly, I haven't rage quit very often. Which is a big thing for me. Maybe I'm learning to be a little more patient and persistent. Or maybe I'm just enjoying playing this particular game. That must be it.

Jerome is due a visit to the vet. He doesn't like this idea. I've decided that I will have to buy a carrier but which one? I've looked at some but he's a rather *ahem* large cat so most of them would be a little cramped. I finally decide on one of the soft carriers which can apparently fold up. I leave it out for a couple of days and he doesn't mind going into it to inspect. He doesn't like going into it for real! He's wriggly, strong, and determined. This day he's due his annual booster and I discuss with the receptionist the feline aids injection. Since he's going outdoors a little bit and all. So today he's poked, prodded, donated blood, had a thermometer up his butt, been weighed and pronounced too heavy *and had his food intake cut back to boot* and jabbed twice. Not a happy kitty. He actually growled at the vet.

The vet has convinced me to join a scheme they have like pet insurance. $100 up front and $27.30 a month for 11 months. It's an annual thing. It covers a lot and I decide to join. It covers today's exam and needles and blood test and entitles me to a discount on flea products and food as well. There you go, she says, you've saved yourself $128 dollars. I don't know if this is a saving or the actual saving is only $28. Either way, it covers Jerome for the next two boosters to bring the aids cover in line. I guess that can't be too bad. I decide not to bother with the discount flea products *advocate 3 pack for about $45* as I can still get them cheaper online from budgetpetproducts.com.au.

Poor kitty. Back for another jab in two weeks. Then another two weeks after that. If you're a good boy I might consider letting you outdoors again after that. Maybe....


Iliska Dreams said...

I am so slack. I have had Tira for four and half years and she has only ever been to the vet once. Dog got her in his mouth and ripped her neck. Got that stitched up and got her de-sexed at the same time.

Colleen Barnett said...

Oz and Rog are overdue for their jabs. It's tough because there are so many other things I have to budget for right now.

Put a bright spot of nail polish on the "hot" side of that dial for the blind old man, eh?

Good luck back at work. What to video skype on Saturday afternoon with Moose and we can tour the house?

JoeinVegas said...

We have a Tassimo - originally because they had Starbucks pods, which moved to K cups now, but I love the little espressos it makes, and hot chocolate, teas and some very good coffees. Thinking of getting a K cup machine for work, that's the big in thing here now.

JoeinVegas said...

I haven't talked you into Minecraft yet? Email me about it - joe@joetheprogrammer.com