Thursday, April 26, 2007

Camera hogs. Or left on the cutting room floor

Wow, it's been a while since I last bothered to write here. Should rectify that. Like, immediately.

The title says it all. Or it would have. If it were accurate. But it did seem accurate at the time.

The Elder's bf has a bit of a hobby. Though he would probably be a little narked that I call it a hobby. He 'dances' in a popping and locking crew. Called Shift 1. And they are pretty good too. Or so I'm told. And she tells me. Often.

So she tells me, They're going to be on tv! On the Shak. On Monday! Tape it (or else). So I sat through the program and taped it. Nearly missed it, but thank goodness for the 11th hour. And there it was. Supposedly a segment with Picasso. A very brief flash of colour for about 3 seconds, she wearing the yellow jacket. And that was it. Whaa? We've been gyped. I felt outraged. What a rip off! They've been left on the cutting room floor!

Course, then I found out that it wasn't Monday after all. It was Tuesday. So, again with the 11th hour and set the tape and off we go. But this time, yay! The proper segment. And I have to admit, they did look good......

The Elder got home. We watched it together. She was happy. We all were happy. Then MOTH taped over it........ 2 hours later ......... Love that sentimental soppiness.

1 comment:

Colleen Barnett said...

GAAAAH! What an awful little insect! What on earth were you doing leaving something so valuable lying around! Now how am I supposed to know who, what, how and so on!!!