Saturday, May 26, 2007

So much to tell. And no one to listen.....

Ok, so it seems that it's been a while since last update.

I decided to GO (STUPID TEEN KEEPS PRESSING THE CapS loCK, so PARdon the NoNsense) out of circulation for a while. I had to keep myself amused for a week while I went to the AusCERT2007 IT Security Conference. How about that? An IT geek who doesn't own a laptop....

There were options available. I'm sure there were. Bit difficult to sneak away from where you are supposed to be standing though. Especially when you share a small space with someone else who keeps an eye on your every move.

So, where was I? Oh yes, Crowne Plaza Royal Pines Resort on the Gold Coast. You know, the one where they play the whatsits for the international golfing tours. Little ones like PGA and stuff. For a week. I didn't get to see much though. See previous paragraph about standing.

So, here is a pic from the balcony of the convention lobby. Down part of the conference area. Ok, so everyone else is in a session and I have managed to sneak away from the stand to take the pic. That's why you can see the floor - no people.

We were supposed to see the Blues festival on Saturday night, but MOTH wasn't feeling well and wasn't keen on driving on roads he didn't know after dark. So we left it.

Sunday night was the Welcome Reception. A casual affair, but food aplenty and drinks to boot. It was a wine tasting evening, and I didn't bring the camera. So I can't show you the balloons tied together to form big bunches of grapes. I left there about 8pm to go to another function, which was very disappointing. There were extra people crowded into a limited space, and so much noise I couldn't talk to anyone. I think I managed 15 minutes before I left.

Monday was the first full day. I managed to get away from the stand to see the Keynote speaker. Well worth it. He was talking about the concept of one laptop per child and the security problems they have to consider for this project. You can find out about it here. Monday night was a sponsor cocktail evening. James Bond theme of course. You know, being 2007 and all. I had hoped they might have turned the lighting down a little to show up the fancy doodads flashing all over the ceiling. Dress up was the go. If you had the go that is. Some of the gowns were lovely.

Tuesday I managed to get away briefly in the afternoon to see a speaker by the name of Marcus Sachs. He's very engaging and knows his stuff. He spoke about SCADA and how process control programs are now becoming linked to the net. And how dangerous that could be. Tuesday night MOTH and I skipped off for a cozy little dinner at a place called Woodchoppers Inn. Hard to find but highly recommended.

But just to keep the status quo, at a social function, I think I put my foot in it. I was watching the State of Origin. For those who don't wish to remain uneducated, it's a football match. Rugby League. Where teams are formed depending on where chosen players have played their first club games. Or something like that. Queensland v New South Wales. It's a big deal here. Nevertheless, having been born in Queensland, I follow my nature and barrack for NSW. Queensland were in front, and I catcalled to the screen "You suck!" Just as an Important Person walked in front of me. Turns out he was wearing a Queensland shirt. Oh dear........ But also true to form, I smiled sweetly and didn't bother to explain. I wonder why he was a little distant after that???

Thursday and Friday were tutorials. I tried to attend one on Thursday, but missed the first half hour or so as I was needed elsewhere and couldn't get into the rest of the session. I wasn't delayed for the start of Fridays session. But really, some people at these things need a good jab in the ribs. Or someone should hand out masking tape at the door. Fair enough, it was an overview of authentication processes to give Managers a background so they can choose what's right for them. Or something to think about when they make security policies and other blah like that. So why people have to pipe up and tell the tutor that they don't agree with the way he's only shown part of the Act when there's more to it (no duh! Idiot) or point out that so and so is relevant to them because they do this where they work (I so don't need to know how you dod things lady) or point out a specific the tutor has missed in an overview (it's an overview fool. That's why it's not specific!) Really, some people just know how to waste other people's time.....

Thursday night though, MOTH, myself and some other assorted geeks managed to escape the venue and headed out to the movies. We watched Pirates of the Carry-bean 3 and laughed our way through most of it. However, we changed vehicles on the way back. Apparently, the minibus only just made the clearance on the way in, and the driver wanted more of us in there to weight it down a bit more. ? - what was he saying? But we came out on a road he wasn't familiar with, heading the wrong way. So we came back via the scenic route. Tiring, but fun.

And I couldn't resist. A window display of Moet. Rose no less. I'm so sophisticated. I like the colours.....


Anonymous said...

hee hee hee had to laugh at the "foot in the mouth" story... aaah, that is sooo you :-D thanks for once again brightening my day... Luv ya xxoo

Colleen Barnett said...

Yes, Moosey, I too got a giggle from the foot in mouth disease this girl suffers from! Go Queensland! ahhh, I do miss the NRL....