Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Don't know if I've mentioned this before, but...

I might have mentioned it before. I think I have. But I can't be arsed checking through the backlog of entries to find out.

I has a mySpace. Yes, I'm sure you knew that. I check it regularly. Maybe a little too regularly. Mostly at work. But shush, don't tell anyone. That's just between you and me. And the geeks who check the access logs.

Once upon a time, checking this mySpace, I chanced across a notification of a blog. Done by mySpace Australia. Mums on mySpace. They say curiosity killed the cat. And satisfaction brought it back. I went for a look.

I left a comment. Nothing much, just a line to say I have one to keep up with the kids. And that I thought the Teen didn't mind too much.

Suddenly, from out of the blue, I'm contacted by the Aussie Hub mySpacer letting me know that they were contacting some of the mum's who had left comments. Would I be interested in providing comments and possibly sound bites for media? Ummm *aprehensively* sure, why not? The chances of that happening were kind of slim to none.

I've been contacted a couple of times since by the mySpace Australia PR people to check that I'm still with it and that they have all my contact details. And if they could pass them on to any media that might be interested in doing a story about mums who use mySpace. As a kind of Mother's Day thing. Sure. Not a worry. Like, that's not going to happen, right?

Wrong. So very wrong. I had a phone call today from a reporter from the Sattelite. A small paper with local circulation. Let's do an interview. Oh, and I want a picture. W.T.F. ? Oh, and can we do it tonight? *panics* Ok, sure.

So we did. He turned up, chatted to Sunny and I. He didn't know what he was supposed to be doing - he'd been given the assignment, but no brief! *shakes head at incompetent bosses* So we talked for a while, and he was quite impressed that quite a few of the younger kids I have as friends call me Mum. And that others who aren't mySpace friends call me Mum.

And even more impressed that the kids are taking me clubbing for Mother's Day.

Just as an aside, I think the date was coincidental.....

However, the article, if it makes the grade, is supposed to be in next Wednesday's issue.


1 comment:

Colleen Barnett said...

oh dear. what can i say about this? poor, misguided fools who call you mum for a start...

send us a copy...