And what a weekend it's been so far. Here's a brief update. Ok, I know. Since when have I ever been brief?
Friday night showed promise. I think I may have stated before that Sunny and Blondie have not been on the best of terms. Things deteriorated even further. And I didn't think that was possible.
Something set Blondie off. Down the hallway he stalked, straight into the room Sunny shares with the Elder. And started. By the time the Elder's new friend turned up, he was in full swing. *groan* He backed off, and was quiet for a time.
So, we met Elder's friend. He's certainly different from her usual choice! His skin is olive. His hair is black. His eyes are an amazing blue with long black lashes. He wears eyeliner. He paints his nails black. He has skin ink, loves bundy and jack. And he shall hereafter be referred to as Jack. And plays lead guitar in a partially formed band. There are only 2 remaining at the moment. Wonder what that says about their music!
He smokes like a chimney. He's polite. Goes outside to smoke. Respects her wish for him not to smoke in the car. Hates drugs. Swears a lot. But not loudly spoken. She was so nervous - Sunny had made it quite clear that if he didn't approve and she chose to continue the friendship, then it would put a great strain on her relationship with him. He explained that it would mean to him that he wouldn't feel comfortable spending time with the two of them etc... I still thought it a touch selfish and controlling, but I guess I can see his point.
After meeting with Jack, Sunny and I decided he needed to get out of the house and took a walk to the park. We weren't gone long. At least, I didn't think so. When we got to the driveway, I went to walk inside. Sunny suddenly stopped and asked where had the Elder gone? Gone? I dunno. Why did he think she was gone? He'd gone to step around the end of the volvo, and noticed it wasn't there. I'd gone straight past the invisible car, and hadn't even noticed it was missing!
On our return, we decided to share around a bottle. I haven't been that drunk for a loooong time. But I sure as heck had a good time. For a while. In the brief period of time between imbibing and the nausea kicking in!
Jack ended up sleeping over. I don't know what he thought, because at around half 2 am, Blondie decided to tackle Sunny again. And they had this huge discussion with complete disregard to who may have been about. It was the last straw for me.
Saturday dawned and Blondie and Sunny had decided to ignore each other for now. The day passed quietly - Blondie slept until late. We popped out on some errands leaving Blondie at home. When we came back, he was playing music. A little loud, but Sunny bit as soon as he walked in the door. He came across as quite abrupt. I don't know if it was intentional, but it didn't sound good. Blondie bit back. Of course he would. And when Sunny's phone went off a bit later, yelled that it was too loud. Too much for me - I tapped him on the shoulder and shook my head.
Some little while later, I was in our room. Blondie started bluntly asking me what that was all about. I remarked that I didn't want the argument to continue, but he shook his head and let me know he was asking about Sunny's behaviour. How can you tell someone that the person who asked him to stay can't tolerate him anymore?
I was just sitting him on the couch to have a chat, when Sunny put on his shoes and stalked out the door. I didn't comment, but gently told Blondie that it obviously wasn't safe for him here - he'd been threatening suicide ... again - and that he needed to remove himself from the situation as soon as possible. He was upset. I didn't like to do that, but I really had no choice.
Sunny decided to text me. He wasn't coming home until Blondie had gone. And he was prepared to roam the streets if he had to. I was sooo angry! How dare he do that!!! I don't do emotional blackmail.....
I told him there was no way I could put Blondie out on the street like that and to come home. MOTH went out to fetch him, fed him some icecream and brought him back home. Stupid, stupid behaviour.
And I sent MOTH to tell Blondie that Sunday was the day he had to go. MOTH wasn't happy about getting that job. But I found out this morning that old timer's had kicked in and he didn't know that I had already told Blondie he had to leave. All MOTH was doing was letting him know that Sunday was the day. How the heck he could have forgotten that is really quite beyond me!
Blondie had paid us board for the week, which we had been holding on to. We gave it back so he wasn't completely destitute. When we went out for the paper this morning, he packed up and left.
For the record, the only ill effects for me on Saturday was a slight nausea. Which cured itself midmorning. *happy*
I'm hoping things will get back on an even keel. As even as they will ever be around here......
PS The Elder informed me this morning that she and Jack are officially an item.
if being brief means being short...well, enough said.
so, let me get this straight...elder and jack went out somewhere and came back? you mentioned walking through an invisible car then jack sleeping over.
Do jack and sunny get along? that was unclear. good now that blondie is gone? things a little better? and did you remind them all they were behaving like children and you expected better from them? haha.
suffer for the hangover. no sympathy what so ever! I don't condone excess drinking. then again, i just plain don't drink, as you know. boring, old fart, am i...
hope it settles down now.
ps...good for elder. might be the distraction she needs...
lol.. and as of this morning, we are now officially an un-item.
we both just want to go out and have fun and not have to worry about hurting people. he was terrified of telling me. but i was perfectly fine with it. cause to be totally honest, it's kinda what i want right now too.
so all is well in the world of me.
i shall blog soon. i get introuble if i'm on the net too much and my boss walks in...
hence the lack of blog lately......
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