Monday, March 23, 2009

Aint no big deal.... la la la etc

Dearie me. I'm so exhausted today, I can barely think. Which is different how? I dunno....

I eaten an apple, a milo bar - not the chocolate one - and a cup of tea. Nothing's working; now I'm headed for the hard core stuff. Yep, I'm off for a coffee ...

Hmmmm there's been a bunny raid in the kitchen. Someone has been warming/toasting hot cross buns. Well, I'm back now.

Yes. Tired. Just as well I did remember to actually take notes this week. *pats self on back* Let's just see if I can make any sense of them.

It's been a busy week. Apparently...

As you may have seen on that thing called a telly, the weather has been a bit iffy this week. Monday afternoon came over nice and semi-dark. And while we were out on the motorway ... down it came. Not as heavy as I might have liked, since I love being out in storms, but heavy enough. I love the rain. It washes everything clean. And as it died off, I glanced out the bus window. There on the exit is a car. Emblazoned with a banner. From some company called ... Noah.

Tuesday, I was staring out the window of the bus. For something different as I psyched myself up for the journey home. We hadn't left the city precinct yet and were headed for the busway *loves busway. so long, loser traffic!* Something brown and moving caught my attention. It was army vehicles. Not the usual trucks, but the tank like personnel carriers with the multiple wheels. Complete with a personnel peeping out of the top. And waving like they were royalty. Oh, wait. That could have been a signal to the ones in the vehicle behind. Duck people!

My life is so exciting, on Wednesday I decided to do something different. I've been thinking of trying to find ways of adding walking to my daily slog. Not easy. So I thought I'd try walking to a different bus stop in the mornings. Up the road this time. It takes me about 15 minutes. And as I approach the stop, there is a woman sitting and smoking. *grumbles to self. she'd better have quit that by the time i get there* And it turned out to be the mother of one of Teen's friends. We chatted while I tried to cool down, and lo. MY bus stops on the other side of the highway. Dammit. Well, I know for now, don't I. Although, I think I will catch it from my usual stop, ride all the way in and add my walk transferring to another stop to the University. Makes for a later start in the office though. Oh, decisions decisions ...!

Alas, I have not notes for the rest of my week. So you'll never get to read about all the other exciting things I did.

Oh, Saturday night I decided I would have a movie marathon. Quite by accident mind. Sunny and I hired out Disaster Movie. Which really is a disaster! But it suited my somewhat warped sense of humour and I enjoyed it despite myself. Follow that with Pirates of the Carry-bean *loves HD tv* and then Enemy at the Gate. It's 3am when I crawl into bed.

And bright and early, MOTH's alarm goes off. At 6 am. Once I'm awake, that's it. And I crawl out of bed.

So I'm sitting and playing Sims2 and Sunny pops his head around the corner. Do you want to go into the city today? Well, yes. I've got 50c. I can afford a soft serve. We did.

Stange, some people who ride the buses. A bunch of bogans got on at one particular stop. And they had at least one small child with them. Brilliant. Said small person came down the back of the bus to sit themself next to Sunny and I. Complaining to the attending adult all the while. And there you go, it flipped the bird at the adult. Who laughed while getting angry. Then hauled the thing back to the front of the bus while it chucked a tanty. Think I've said this before ... but brilliant. It quieted down quickly, thank the mercies. A little while later, another of the party came to join the couple sitting in front of us. She was blonde. And loud. She plonked herself down in the seat in front of them, threw a couple of surreptitious looks at Sunny then proceeded to tell the couple about gays. *sunny's head snaps up* She knew some. They were great. They were good to go shopping with. They had terrific fashion sense. They were hilarious. Have you ever seen a gay guy try to do this? *snap snap snap complete with gestures*

I looked at Sunny. Sunny looked at me. And we burst out laughing. *sees Sunny do that. a lot*

She shifted seats. Looked at Sunny some more. And chatted on bout absolute nonsense. And when her mother got off the bus, she took the seat with the bloke she'd just been chatting to. And she chatted the whole way into the city.

And at some point, I resumed staring out the window. In time to see some older bloke get off the bus. He looked like he was about to be greeted by some younger chap. And it was on. The older bloke exploded, pushed the younger one to the ground and started yelling You leave my boy alone! Just leave him alone!

What an interesting trip.

1 comment:

Colleen Barnett said...

interesting week. (wrote weel...) funny how astute the blonde was hey.
