Monday, April 12, 2010

Friendly buses appear in Star Wars now!

And they are on a mission to the Ewok planet! Yes, the kid was on the bus again.

I spent a fair bit of last week trying to decide if I wanted to go to the movies. Then what I wanted to see. And coordinating that with what MOTH wanted to see. Tough job that.

I narrowed it down to two. Clash of the Titans, or How to Train Your Dragon. They were both in 3D. I'm not sure about 3D because my eyes don't like it. And I seem to suffer from something my then pilates instructor called 'positional vertigo'. Makes big screen movie viewing an experience.

So. Which movie. And then MOTH pipes with with an idea to watch the new Jackie Chan movie. Spy something or other. Wait! That wasn't in the mix! I ignored it.

Eventually I picked How to Train Your Dragon. 3D and all. Oh. And look. They have the parking deal back on again. If you can get a park in the cinema park *ha!* you have it for free if you see a movie. Otherwise, it's see a movie and pay $3. Sweet!

We decided to drive and park.

Saturday morning we did the usual and stopped at the local shopping centre. Saw one of MOTH's friends up there and chatted for a while. Then home to waste a bit of time before heading out to the cinema.

There was a huge line up for the cinema park, even with a flashing sign saying FULL. We chose another option.

The movie was great! I loved it. Quirky and fun. And the 3D didn't bother me at all. And we got to keep the glasses!

The surprise came when we went to validate the parking. Sorry, they said. We don't validate parking for that car park. Our car park is Secure Parking. It's over near the convention centre.

And that, people is NEARLY 3 BLOCKS AWAY. We had parked in the one across the road....

I know we weren't the only ones caught too. I know I only read the bold print for the pricing on the web page and ignored the map and the small print. I KNOW where the cinema is, why do I need to look at the map? I thought about leaving feed back to let them know they need to change the wording so it SAYS IN LARGE LETTERS THAT THE PARKING IS NOT THE PARKLANDS!!

It cost me an unexpected $15 for the outing and I didn't have enough cash. Fortunately they take credit cards now and I just had enough balance left on it....

Next time, I'm taking the bus.

Sunday I stayed at home all day. I vacuumed the kitchen area and did some washing. That was my Sunday.

I love days like that.


Colleen Barnett said...

hate getting caught out with no cash. nothing more embarassing! next time read that fine print... :-)

*refacq* sounds like somewhere to go for lunch on campus?

JoeinVegas said...

$15 for parking? wow

Butterfly Kissez said...

Yup welcome to Brisbane Parking..and $15 is boss had to go into the city one day for a job and it cost her $30!! We thought maybe she parked in Anna Bligh's spot or something! I could have eaten lunch for a week on that (well maybe 2 days at least) :)

I can't even spell the word of the day so forget it lol

Anonymous said...

You could have got another movie ticket for the cost of that parking stuff-up.