Tuesday, April 27, 2010

On holiday and going nowhere

Sometime during the week a work colleague stopped me in front of the building. I LOVE your halo dye job! she gushed and proceeded to tell me all about someone suggesting she had one.

I'm standing there, gobsmacked. What the heck is a halo dye job? Eventually I think I worked out that it was a 'do that involved a different colour at the top of the hair than to the bottom. As opposed to the top layers being a different colour.

Ummmm Sharon? You know how my hair used to be purple? This is what's left. This red/gold is the colour that the purple has left. The top you call an ashy colour is ummm.... me. Brown and grey.

I thought she was going to collapse. Her turn for the gobsmacking-ness.

On Wednesday, I went for an echocardiogram (ECG). The most stunning thing was that it seems I do have a heart afterall. In spite of that, everything turned out to be normal.

Sibling2 is coming to visit. I had asked for a couple of days off. During the meeting on Thursday morning, my boss said that he would take the week off because it was between two long weekends. Oh, I said. I only asked for a couple of days. Take the whole week he says! That way you can have ten days. So I did.

Now I just have to find ways to fill the days.

Sibling2 arrived on Saturday but didn't arrive at my house until Sunday. That evening she arrived with a couple of friends in tow. The lass was very funny. A sense of humour quite similar to mine.

Monday was the public holiday but some shopping centres were open. We travelled out to Indooroopilly shopping centre for a period of time. MOTH stayed until just after lunch then headed home, leaving Sibling2 and myself unchapperoned. We gave Sibling2's wallet a workout and a headache. Then caught the bus home. The timing was perfect as we only had to wait five minutes. Otherwise we'd have to wait another hour. Whew!

Home and collapse on the couch. Why does an outing for a few hours of shopping feel so exhausting when you get home? We sat and watched some terrible afternoon television while stuffing ourselves with sweets.



Colleen Barnett said...

I agree, shopping sure does wear you out. Specially when you are old and verging on invalid, then the hips start to ache, the back gives out, and the fingers ache from carrying all that shopping...

*brorbot*... um, a homie black robot? yo, bro?

sparklingmerlot said...

holidays at home can be as much fun as holidays away.

And yes, ALL learner drivers should undertake a defensive driving course. I was horrified at the stories these kids had about how they were taught to drive - actually, they were taught to pass the test.