Monday, May 16, 2011

Pre-conference jitters

This week has been busy. The conference is almost upon us and it's flat out. I've been chased for so many things this time, things that I would have had done ages ago if it weren't for the certificates task that I have been doing lately.

I hadn't even started packing. I usually have some idea of what I want so that I can lay it out and make sure it's clean. Nup. No enthusiasm for the task.

I decided to treat MOTH to a haircut before the conference. Mostly because it was getting long and I didn't like the way he combed it. The appointment was made for Thursday.

He got it done and it looks much better. While we were out, we thought we would stock up on a couple of essentials for the trip. MOTH thought the mushrooms looked particularly good. Large, brown with crisp and clean looking edges on the caps. Elder says no, they're not nice at all. She grabs a couple and places them together. They are a mouth. The mouth moves, You're a bastard.... See, she says. They're not nice at all. MOTH and I collapse laughing.

Apparently MOTH can do a pretty decent Peter Griffin imitation (Family Guy). Butt scratcher! Butt scratcher! Get your butt scratcher here! *points finger in air* It left Elder, her guest and I rather gobsmacked.

There's a spider on the wall of the bedroom. WHERE'S SOMETHING TO SMASH IT WITH?! he yells. I'm in bed, just on the other side. And I'm not deaf. There's some shoes in the walk in robe? THEY'RE NOT GOING TO BE BIG ENOUGH! He's indecisive. He scrabbles about and finds something. IT'S STILL ALIVE! I CAN'T GET IT! WHERE IS IT?! He finds it again. And smashes it flat. *sigh* It's still less than 1 centimetre across...

Saturday is the day we head for the conference. Due to a mix up at Fleet, I have to drive a 12 seater mini bus. MOTH cannot drive this one - it's a work vehicle. I can barely climb into the seat. It's easier to drive than I thought, but boy, is the view from up on high! Fleet assures me that I will be fine ... as long as I don't have to park in tight spaces. Great. Undercover parking and small spaces.

The drive is comfortable, and the parking a little easier than I thought.

Checked in and I'm getting ready for Sunday. Bummer. I've forgotten a couple of pairs of stockings, my jumper, and MOTH's hankies he asked me to include. Whoo. I've done well.

Sunday is long and tiring. Loud and exhausting. I arrive for set up for the day at 7.45am. I sit outside the conference room while the presentations go on and listen to the exhibition set up. I don't really find them interesting so I usually end up outside in case stragglers show up. I read. I walk. I chase things up if they need chasing. Set up is called 'bump in'. The conference lasts 3 days, followed by 2 days of tutorials. There are 1000 delegates. At the end of the day there are drinks for attendees, followed by more drinks for delegates who have just arrived, or have come in from the golf. That is followed by more drinks for our staff and some invited guests. It's too crowded and noisy and I'm tired.

Time for bed all, and I look at the clock. I have managed to last until ... 9pm. Party animal!


Colleen Barnett said...

Woo hoo for the Party Bus! Now you know what we regular people see :-)

Bummer for forgetting the stockings and jumper, dood. Hope you manage without them xxx

Butterfly Kissez said...

Had to laugh at your hubby and the eh?

I lOVE organising conferences...NOT! I have one coming up in September...hoping for a new job before then lol.

*dindent* hope you dindent the van trying to park it!

JoeinVegas said...

Why did you have such a big vehicle? Was there a pole in the middle for dancing on the road? (oh, right, sorry, might just be a Vegas thing)