Monday, July 25, 2011

This is confusing!

I don't know what happens to the start of my week. It just happens, takes care of itself. It's almost like I don't wake up till Thursday.


The Elder drove me to the station this Thursday. Zman had been off sick and this was his first day back. I love driving with her. She gives me 'permission' to let the inner child loose and we dance in our seats to the music.

She's waving her arms about and pretends to punch me in the head. There is a motorcyclist behind us. He is grinning widely and Elder is pumped. I've made someone smile and now I'm complete.

We round the corner and change lanes. As he passes the motorcyclist looks hard at the car. I wave and smile. He waves back. Sweet!


It's just another boring day at the office and I'm umming and ahhhing about going out tonight. I'm tired and by Friday evening all I really want to do is crash on the couch. If I do decide to go out, will I have enough time to get home first? Or will I have to go out and take my backpack and stuff with me?

Elder tells me, oh yes, we will have time to eat before we go. Ah. Well, I haven't got anything out of the freezer because I wasn't sure if we would be home. MOTH takes it out in the afternoon.

It's not defrosted and we decide to have pea and ham soup. We feed Zman as well and dinner is bright and happy with lots of talk of laughter. He leaves and it's off to the station - hmmm Team Shitbox is leaking again and the temperature gauge is creeping a little high. We have water on board though so situation isn't that dire.

The train gets us to the nearest station as the gig is about to start. We are heading out to support JD's band, Battleaxe. Ah well, if we miss them we at least made an effort to turn up. We arrive at the venue but Elder isn't sure where they might be. She makes me ask the bouncers. Yeah, cause she's all shy and stuff. Sigh. Sometimes it's tough to be the grown up.

We find them and it's ok. They haven't started yet. When they do, the crowd is happy and they get into the music. Some of their regular supporters are there. Elder recognises one of them and goes to say hello. It's hella loud but I'm having a great time. They finish the set and I'm ready to keep going. Elder decides she want to go home and play WoW *rolls eyes* but it's half ten so I can't complain. She's bought the t-shirt and had it signed.


We're on tax time so MOTH and I head out to the tax agent. This year he had a small amount from his mother's estate so we don't get the full spouse rebate. But it's better than nothing. Mind, I could think of better ways to spend my Saturday morning.

I've got chicken lined up for dinner and since it involves a lot of garlic it's really only suitable for Saturdays. That gives a couple of days for the garlic smell to settle before work on Monday. Yay for clever planning!

I make steak sandwiches for lunch. I think they turned out alright.

There's a kid's movie on telly tonight and I let that run in the background.


The weather is lovely but I intend to laze around today. I'm not in a hurry to get dressed. The Elder has other plans and bugs me to walk up to the markets with her and Freddy. I relent. MOTH decides to come with us. Are you driving or walking? Walking. Off we go and the walk is slow and it's not too warm.

A red car goes past and a girl leans out the window yelling Hellloooooo. We laugh. It's Cupcake.

Elder and I wander around the stalls and MOTH heads inside for a drink. Freddy is destined for a hydrobath and the wait is about twenty minutes. It's getting popular. We come back a little later and still have to wait but at least we can sit in the shade. A woman is standing out in the sun and chatting to passers by. Her dog is HUGE. He must be a mastiff. Or something.

The walk home is relaxing and the afternoon is spent doing not much of anything.

I've bought a bbq chicken while out. Warm chicken sandwiches for lunch today. I'm walking around the bench and I step on something hard. Without looking down I take another couple steps and it hasn't dislodged. I rub the bottom of the foot across the top of the other. OUCH! That stung. I look. I've actually stepped on a flat shard of glass and cut the top of my foot. Clever!

Bones is back on tonight and it wins over Serial Killer Sunday. What a choice to have to make!

My foot still stings...


Colleen Barnett said...

I am so jealous of your crime channel. Must get me Foxtel...

Markets within walking distance would be dangerous for me...

*shismati*... this working stuff is a whole heap of shismati, yes?

Colleen Barnett said...

ooooh I feel faint... Hope the foot doesn't give you too much bother either! xx

JoeinVegas said...

I'd vote for Bones, we watch it often