And now for something completely different....
This is the image of the engagement cake that I promised I would eventually post.
So. This last week. What can I say really? A week of indulgence. I do lead a simple life you know. It's all me Me ME!
Some time ago, I joined the book co-op on campus. And every so often, I'm obligated to actually purchase one of the things. Books. Not co-ops. I sighed. My wallet cried. And I pushed open the door.
I like it in there. It's almost impossible to find anything. Oh, it's all laid out neatly in its categories. But I never know what I want. I spent some time wandering around the shelves looking for a particular book which failed to advertise itself. It didn't. But lo! On the shelf was a paperback copy of Harry Potter's second volume *changes sentence from HP's number 2* which I no longer had. The Teen donated it to an aquaintance at school who never returned it.
While I was there, I thought I would grab John Connolly's The Lovers.
There. Obligation fulfilled.
And Friday afternoon, I was walking through the city on my way to the bus. Suddenly, my feet spun me off my course and detoured me down a side street. I blame my feet. What else could it possibly have been?
Right into Dymocks.
I wandered around the shelves in their new super small temporary store. And hey! Right there on the shelf is the book I couldn't find in the co-op book store. I checked the price and grabbed it. Hey. *shrugs* Books are my passion, but the wallet still rules. I went to step around the end of the shelf and did a double take. Whoa. One of the few authors I collect has a new book out. The start of a new trilogy. Ignoring the sound of my credit card frantically screaming, I took that one too.
So now I have three books to read. I knew I rearranged my bookshelf for a reason!
Saturday morning, I went out to the local shops with MOTH. Now there is something entertaining! *drips sarcasm* MOTH likes to amuse himself sitting and watching the world go by. I can handle it, but only for a short time. We'd already heard an ambulance racing up the street with siren blaring that morning. While on the road, we were keyed to another siren. Looking in the mirror, it turned out to be another ambulance! We moved over slightly and as we approached the traffic lights, ANOTHER ambulance moved through the red so the siren sounding one could pass. There, says MOTH, even other ambulances get out of the way.
Later that day, another went past the house. Lights flashing, but no siren....
Busy day somewhere!
The rest of Saturday was spent lazing about, playing the Sims. For the first time in ages. The Teen was not home to steal my laptop. Sunday was more of the same, with a bit of washing, sweeping and mopping thrown in.
*man! someone has a hot lunch and boy does it smell good!*
Sunday afternoon I was a tad restless. I wanted out of the house but where could I go? It's not like I could jump in the car and head off for the beach. *note to self: find close places to drive to that might be nice this time of year!* Not long after, the Teen called me. Do you want to come pick me up? I'm at Wogboy's new place.
w00t! Something to do on an otherwise altogether lazy weekend.....
Wasn't it 4 new books? 2 from the coop and 2 from Dymocks?
I can't afford to shop at Dymocks. I usually haunt Angus and Robertson when I have a few $$$. I am reading the bottom of the barrel now, some of the really old crime books I bought in a box of 75 last year. BORING they are too.
Time to go shopping methinks...
*ounnilly*. mmmm. not even going t attempt that one!
You could count it as four, but since one was a replacement for an already owned one, I count it as three. :)
Cause that's the way I roll!
Any suggestions on a good book to read..I love books also but all my favourite authors are now between books so I need something new! Finished the Twilight series of books, almost done reading "My Sister's Keeper" by Jodi Picoult and Diana Gabaldon still hasn't released her new one *sigh*. Any suggestions would be great guys!
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