Thursday is Bill Payin Day. Yay. *note the sarcasm* Life would be much easier if I didn't have any bills. Do the budget. Pay the rent. Pay the phone. Do the grocery shop. Buy the fuel. Recharge the go card. The usual stuff.
Which usually takes most of the day.
The Teen didn't surface today. She spent the night at her friend's house. School wasn't required for Seniors today. They recognised that they would need the day off after the late night. Formal began Wednesday at 18:30 and finished at 23:30. Then they had the after formal party to attend.
This school also does not recognise Muck Up day. And I can't argue with that! It's probably about the only thing the school and I agree on. I really don't see the reason for it. Why give them free rein to misbehave and destroy things? Can't they do that at Schoolies? And THERE is another activity that I don't agree with.
Thursday afternoon we picked her up from her friend's house and while we were eating dinner, Wogboy rocked up to do the usual Thursday night thing and rock out to late night shopping. Actually, I'm not sure what they do but I'm pretty certain it has nothing to do with hanging around the shopping mall.
She was home fairly early and I went to bed not long after.
There was a surprise organised for her for Friday morning. At around 04:30, the Elder rocked up. With her boy. They had made a special overnight trip to see the Teen at her graduation.
Friday morning everyone was up early. Even Teen. She was out of bed at 07:30. Amazing. During the noise and hubub as everyone greeted everyone else and she got ready to go to school, she came through the kitchen. What? Your blouse doesn't fit properly. You've grown! Oh Mum. That's my old one. I've been wearing it for ages - I don't wear the other one anymore. I disappeared into the ironing room and sure enough, it was in the basket. On the board quick as a wink and I handed it to her. It's graduation I said. You can do it properly for once. Dang she grinned and went to change.
It was desperately hot while we waited for admission to the school hall. Everyone was in a lather. People were fanning themselves with whatever they had. The situation didn't improve much once we were inside. The hall is big but it's not airconditioned.
When everyone was seated, the students filed past in their class groups as the parents clapped them through. Then it was time for the speeches. I confess that I really hate that part.
The headmistress is a dragon and advised everyone that the students had been asked to be on their best behaviour, with no calling out and to wait until all had been presented before clapping. Parents were asked to model the same behaviour. How lame! It lasted a while. Then some broke out and from then on there was a fair deal of cheering during the presentations.
Eventually the speeches and presentations were over and we moved outside for the Guard of Honour. The year 12s gathered on the steps at the resource centre. A digeridoo was played to recognise our indigenous beginnings; students filed out through the school grounds for the last time.
The only thing I could think of was Thank Heavens It's FINALLY OVER! No more battles with homework and assignments; no more calls from the teachers about missing assessment pieces.
I saw the pic on MOTH's FB site. Very nice. Glad it's all over then.
I take it the feud is over then.
And Schoolies should be outlawed. We survived without it, so can they. Just a bunch of trouble makers. and an excuse for the older to prey on the young who gather en mass, ripe for the pickings. pfffft.
*rhitanch*. um, nope, got nothing.
I don't miss those days! Youngest is now at TAFE and pretty well comes and goes as he pleases (the older two have moved out).
I agree with Froggy re schoolies. Just an excuse to get rat faced with so called parental approval.
Hope you're settling back into work mode. As you know, I'm currently not working and I think I could get used to it!
Oh well, another one growing up and moving on.
My little sis is finishing school this year too- and she is at schoolies. I keep messaging to check she is ok! Somehow it seemed ok when I was doing it, but now.....
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