Thursday, January 18, 2007

Diet and Exercise are dirty words.....

Agh, I swore. I had better wash my mouth out with chocolate.....

Decided to take a little time out for myself this morning. I always get a smile - the back of the door has a little advert for a counselling service on campus. To talk about a difficult relationship with food. Heck yes! It's stalking me! It won't leave me alone! It's everywhere I look! And darn, I can't live without it! Is that difficult?

I have succumbed. To the food yes. She says, wiping the grease from her fingers after tucking into the chips. Or crisps if you prefer. But I have been thinking about seriously trying to lose weight. Thinking. Difficult concept for me. The Dr last year told me to consider a low GI diet. I'm still considering.......

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