Wednesday, January 30, 2008

New beginnings. For some.

... You know, it's been about a week and a half since Chef left home. And how easy it's been to slip back into the old routine. The lounge room seems bigger. There is no one sitting at my desk. Constantly. We can mooch about the house in our pyjamas. There is still no food in the cupboard though.

... The Teen had her first day at school yesterday. Well, not first first, but first at her new school. I'm not certain she was impressed. She mumbled something in passing that it seemed ok, but it was all very scarey. I was busy at the time, so she didn't get much beyond "Well, it's new and different". Later she said she didn't want to talk about it.

I'm hoping she settles in all right. I understand it can be daunting. New school, new rules, new expectations, not to mention a whole lot of new people. And she doesn't do that type of stuff well. So she will surely need time to settle in. I'm hoping desperately that she will eventually drag herself out of that. And not spiral downward because she has convinced herself it's all too scarey and she cannot possibly cope.

Alas, she cannot be Piglet all her life... ... even if he is kinda cute ...

1 comment:

Colleen Barnett said...

I think you mean eeaw, he is the Emo of Whinnie the Pooh.

She will be okay, so long as she finds a friend of sorts. Either that or slap her about the face when she whinges...either way she will learn to LOVE it! haha.
